Add Object lighting

Is there away to synchronize the lighting on an added object with that of the layer it’s added to?

Just yesterday I read a post re: Blender screen savers, so I’m messing around making a simple one.

I’m adding a sphere with a linv from a rotating Empty. The sphere then bounces around inside an invisible cube(simulating the inside of the monitor)

The problem is that the sphere is lit oddly when I execute the game. I have a lamp on the layer containing the sphere at a point outside the cube, but in game the sphere appears to be lit by the empty position(add object point).

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

Thanks in advance.

some things about lighting…

Blender’s Lighting:
-Must be on same layer as object
-Max lights in a scene(or maybe its just layer) is 12 after that lighting starts decresing.
-Using lighting sucks do vertex coloring

Yeah, I think with vertex colors you have more control, but I’m Afraid to try it! %|

It must have something to do with the Sphere’s position relative to the light at the time it’s called by Actuator…

Here’s what it looks like with a touch of vertex painting rather then lighting

The Zip file is .7 MB and I had to deactivate the mouse/keyboard sensor as it froze up on me when executed as a .scr so you must Esc to exit.

First, the limit of lights in blender is 8 per layer per scene. If there are more than that, the other lights are ignored.

To make lighting affect objects in an inactive layer, select your lights and press M. Then hold Shift and click on the layer where your objects to be added are. (Objects can exist on more than one layer at a time, and the lights will affect objects on each layer the light exists in.)