[Add-on]Blender 2.8Xcustom attribute management add-on(Ask for help proofreading English)

Hi, friends
I’ve noticed that Blender’s custom properties + drives can help us do a lot of things.
But obviously, as far as the current functions are concerned, they need to be improved, such as classification, sorting, or preset saving of these parameters - in other words, we need a special management plug-in.
Now, its Chinese version has been developed. You can see the video below

I think this should be the start of a new era. The difference between this plug-in and the traditional property acquisition plug-in is that its function is almost unlimited, because it is a read plug-in, its function is not in the plug-in itself, but in your blend file.
The blend file parameters are used to define functions, and plug-ins are used to display parameters. In other words, now everyone can make preset modules (such as lighting system, car binding system, camera system, world environment system), so that this plug-in has unlimited possibilities!
At the same time, I tried to improve some files by myself. In order to avoid repeated parent-child binding when you use some systems (such as car binding system), I also added the automatic binding function!
In addition, it also includes many functions, you can project most parameters to the panel (such as color, world environment, light material, etc.)
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But now, I have encountered a huge problem, that is, the translation of the English version. This plug-in has multilingual functions, and I have also translated it in English. But obviously, I don’t have enough confidence in whether English users can understand the interface, so please help us to complete the last step of the new era! (please contact me if you are willing to help translate other languages)lang.py (20.4 KB)

What is the name so I can find it in the Plugins to activate it?
I looked all through the addons and could not find it…UI said it was imported fine.

It’s just a language function file, not a plug-in, it’s still testing stability. I just want to know if my English translation will cause trouble to English users

I understand.
I looked through the .py and did not see anything that jumps out as a problem…but until I see the UI and understand what sections are and how they are supposed to work, I won’t know if the translation will be correct or clear.

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In this way, when I improve the camera function, I will send out a test version first(No later than 0:00 on January 3 (I am at 1:49 on January 2))

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Will wait and test it for Translation problems…Thank-You.

Preview Download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hnhgUsMWNP0XONiyJgfu_sIt-NbAB3Fe/view?usp=sharing

I have just played with all the functions… Not responding to actual functions ( asset names and such) the UI is perfectly clear and understandable. I see NO problems in the UI at all!
Somethings might need to be cleaned up,

Under M-Cam, there is Center button selects first Camera, so needs to be changed to Beginning, Restart, 1st Camera…something of the sort, and of course the description when you HOVER over the buttons…

Thank you for your reply. I will deal with these questions, but I need to wait until I finish writing the document. I hope this little tool can make the blend file into a add-on, which can help you.
Anyway, thank you for your help

You are very welcome! I did forget to add in my last post… Once this is ready as an Add-on It will be a GREAT tool to have!

After a night’s work, I finished the document preliminarily
I’m not sure my online documents can be used because of the network problems that can’t be described. Can you load this link smoothly below?

If you cannot link, use a bone cloud disk

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