Add-ons in Object mode and not in Painting mode!

Yes I don’t know you but me…
I use a lot Blender and there is something that bothers me:
It is to see so many add-ons to the object and edit modes be displayed in Painting mode!

How to understand this thing to all add-on’s coders : Pay attention to this important detail, isolate your add-on for a type of mode of use, please!

I would be interested to hear what you think about, please! :yes:


I couldn’t agree more. It would help a lot with a bunch of the clutter.

Report as bug in Addons Section for Bug Reports

Got the link from mib2berlin here

Thanks @0rAngE, a good idea…I didn’t know for this kind of debate.

Exactely @RaphaelBarros with this bunch of the clutter! I mean…

ok, I fixed mesh extra tools, no more multi extrude in object mode. & restricted layer manager to object mode only.
any others that need fixing?

Excellent @Meta-Androcto,

All this add-ons! it became a little funfair in Blender now, not?

>>any others that need fixing?
Good and generous question…i look for…wait a list may be.
Q: Is your ‘Multi Extrude’ the same as ‘Multi Extrude Plus’?

1°: To remove from ‘Tools’ panel in Painting mode certainly:
Snap utility Lite
EWOC Project tools
Library manager
[[Origin’all View (mine, I change myself soon to ‘Basique’ panel).]] :yes:

All the ‘Create’ panel in Painting mode!
(this panel is to modeling only, not?)

Mesure’it panel of the Mesure’it add-on.-> weird in painting mode, not? Must be see with Antonioya.

For example, here is mine for an add-on only actif in Modeling mode (object and mesh edit):

In panel class:
	def poll(cls, context):
		isModelingMode = not (context.sculpt_object
		or context.vertex_paint_object
		or context.weight_paint_object
		or context.image_paint_object)
		return (context.object is not None and
				context.object.type == 'MESH' and
before >def draw(self, context): execution!

Don’t run in painting, vertex paint, weight painting, sculpt Modes!

:smiley: congrats on the iniciative
Thank you all

Hello Burnin, How are you?
Have a nice friday!

Hi all,
i continue this subject: “but bl_context don’t run! Any error when you use bl_context=‘Bob’ ??? Nothing, no traceback!”

I tell again this question to Blenderfoundation’s coders: Why bl_context don’t run? :wink: