Add sound to a walkcycle

I’ve made a walkcycle for a big eight-legged spider. I want to hear the spiderlegs when they touch the ground.
I have three questions:

  1. Adding sound/music to a blender animation is post processing, right? I mean there is no way to use blender to add the sound, right?
  2. What is the best method to add the sound?
  3. If I make the sound for a normal walkcycle. Is there a easy way too use the walking speed ipo in Blender to modify the sound speed so that it matches the animation?

Thanks in advance.

you could use soundsamples for stomping legs, and lay them out properly in seq-editor. then use the “mixdown” button to output a single wav-file with the right timing.

then fire up virtual dub, load your image sequence, set the right FPS. load your WAV and save the whole thingie as an avi with sound.



Thanks I’m gonna try that.

If it doesn’t work right away, be sure to hit ‘scrub’ and then ‘recalc’ in the audio buttons, then alt A in the sequence editor. After you do that the step by step sound syncing should work.

Hum? Why should he have to hit Recalc?