addFace() crash under 2.23

I am experimenting with using Blender to visualize 3D graphs - I wrote a script today that imports a series of points arranged in a grid.

The problem:

I need to import something like 60000 data points, which is no problem, but my for loop that adds quadrilateral faces using addFace() slows to a crawl around the 10th row of 200 (each row of vertices has 300 columns).

Is this a problem with the API, or is my script flawed? I connect the mesh to an object before adding vertices or faces - would that present a problem? Also, if I try leaveEditMode() and then enterEditMode() to maybe clear that mode’s data buffer, the program crashes on the next face added.

Do any of you Python gurus know what’s happening?

Blender210 is not very clear when you try to add “things” in a mesh, use Blender.NMesh instead:
