Adding a geometric pattern to a Facebuilder head

Does anyone know how I can add a geometric pattern (created in Adobe Illustrator and saved as .png) to a Facebuilder head in Blender? The pattern must conform to the head in order to look 3D.

I look forward to your response. Thanks

Welcome to BA,

It looks like you should be able to.

You need to show us the material for better help though, I cant see if it has UV’s looking at the video quickly,

But an image texture mixed at the end with some alpha should do the trick.

Something like this…

Hope that helps

Thank you for your prompt response and assistance.

Yes, you are on the right track. I just want a simple black and white image which will then be imported into Adobe Illustrator for further editing. Here is an example of what I want to create minus the lighting effect. Just found it on the internet.

Once I have applied the pattern to the head, how can I expand it? I need to export the visible front part of the image as a Grease Pencil SVG file into Illustrator.

I look forward to your response. Thank you