I’m trying to apply a nice masonry texture to my building I have drawn. I made a node tree for the masonry with the normal, occlu, displace, … maps according to this video by Andrew Price: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W07H7xeUnGE
I think the reason you have not received any responses is that it is unclear what you men by
“Copying the plane … isn’t a nice result”
What are you trying to achieve?
The plane stretched completely over each side of the building?
A seamless tiling of the texture multiple times on each side?
Something else?
What I would like is to have this texture on the entire surface of my building. Without it getting stretched. So a seamless tiling of the texture over the entire building is what I’d like to achieve.
At the moment I got this texture applied to, let’s say a plane of 2 by 2. What I did is putting the plane in front of the building (of the walls) and coppiying it serveral times to get the entire wall while adjusting the coppied plane to match the windows and such.
You want to keep your proportions even when you apply the brick texture, so you want to keep the areas you apply it to equally proportioned, or else manually scale the texture while applying it.
Here’s what I do…
Select all the areas you want to apply the texture to where the faces are pointing in the same direction (i.e. skip inset faces around windows and doors). Select Unwrap (first option in the Meshes menu). Scale using the keyboard method until the proportions look right and remember the scaling amount you used. repeat these steps for each side of your building, using the same scaling. When that’s done, go and unwrap each face of each window/door inset separately. Check the scaling because it will sometimes be rotated or already scaled. Check the applied texture at the building corners to make sure the bricks line up. Use the Grab tool in the UV window to adjust.
If you apply the texture to the whole side and then scale it to your satisfaction, rather than to apply it in smaller sections, you’ll get a better result.
Also, make sure you’re have Repeat selected in the UV Mapping panel of the Textures Properties window.