Adding a scene Compositor to vse - Appears black

I have created a few scenes
1 - movie
2 - Intro - which is a scene containing an image seq and a bg colour
3 - Presentation - Which is a compositor of image seq plus various filters, green screen removal , colour correct a couple of tracked masks etc.

Presentation is the problem.
When I play it through in the Presentation Scene Compositor all looks good.

I change to movie scene and Video Editing.
The intro scene is in this and is fine.
I add the Presentation scene and get a black screen .

I have selected sequencer as the scene input.
It is set to alpha over , everything else is defaults and also look to have the same values as the intro.

The only difference between into and presentation, is intro is a vse
Presentation is compositor. The layout, default cube removed. Cam set to origin, with alt R alt S etc then a g Z to move it above the base.

Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong ?
Thank you for your help.

Hi. does it return a black screen in preview or it remains black in the render result?
Maybe it is just a matter of switch your scene strip preview mode to ‘Rendered’, keeping in mind that it drops your FPS performance.


Thank you.
It turned out to be the setting you mentioned and also when adding a compositor scene select input source on the strip to Camera.
I think I also needed to render just a single frame. Not the complete compositor run just a single frame. Im not sure about that part as I was playing around a lot to get it working.

The complete solution of multiple scenes some normal vse and some compositor in a single .blend is quite long. Probably too long for here with screenshots.
I dont have a blog / web and do not really want one. I’ll find a way of writing it up as the solution is simple but has a lot of steps.
To spare the world, I only watch YouTube and not make any :slight_smile: