Adding CGI effects in video

Ok, I tried incorperating Video into blender, and it worked. But I can’t add 3d objects over the video. Either I see video full screen, or I see a 3d image with the defult world. How do I add CGI 3d over the video so i can animate charecters into movies.

Use it as a background. It will step one frame as each frame advances.

another way is

still having trouble i shot a backdrop but… then i can’t see my object current frame and video all at once. all i see is the first frame.

thanks anyway.

Keep the posts coming not yet satisfied

I’m assuming you’re trying to render Blender 3D objects over a video clip.

Best way I’ve found to do this is using either Composite Nodes or the Sequence Editor.

Just to be sure we’re on the same page, which of these are you using?

Sequence editor

K. Here’s what works for me in the 3d window, not the sequence editor.
I make a new texture in the world settings and put the video there. I dump the videos frame number into it so it’ll move as the frames go up. Then i select Blend, Hori, ZenUp, and ZenDo in the texture settings and make sure only Paper is selected in the world next to the world preview.
The so i can see whats going on i go to the camera and then go to View in the 3d window header. and then click background and set the video to the background. again dump the frames and click Auto Refresh so when you move the frames foreward and backward it’ll change the video in the cameras background so you can see what it’ll look like with your 3d objects over the video. Try rendering and it should work. See if that helps at all.
See if this screenshot helps at all:

I just did a quick test and found that the composite nodes actually seem to be a faster workflow (Knock me down with a rubber chicken, I would’ve sworn it was faster in SE, but anywho).

Here’s a quick throw together using composite nodes (Took me about 25 minutes - shot the footage on my mobile, emailed it to my work computer and pretended to look busy while I did a quick key-framing! Man it’s good to be a geek!)

The blend file is set to show how the footage and CGI is composited together. The rescale is to match the render and footage size, the filter so there’s a better match between the slightly blurry mobile phone video and the clean lines of CGI.

Movie (10MB - Oops - Bit bigger than I expected. Might be cheaper to re-render the blend file!)
Blend File (700 k - Mainly raw footage)

If you can’t view the footage in Blender, try installing Quicktime!

Use Alpha Under. Right click on the movie background strip. Shift-right click on the Scene strip. choose Add->Effect->Alpha Under. Click Do Sequence. Render and enjoy.


Thanks for everyones helpfull advice i think im going to go with Crititrozoz.

thanks everyone!