Hey! i dont know if this is the right topic about this but,
Isthere a way to add a color to a pattern that is already colored? like if i have a ship and some of it is blue and i want all of my blue details to be red instead, is there a way to click on something that will select all the faces with the same color and let me change to the color i desire?
Might be a noobie question but it would be helpfull and save me alot of time not having to reselect all the faces again, sure i could select it one time and split them apart but i mean if the model is finished and i have connected it all…
The color is part of the material you assign. So as for an example if I have a cube and I assign 3 sides of it a green color and its own material slot. Then the remaining ones I assign Red in a different material slot. I wouldn’t have to go back and select all the red faces if I want to turn them blue. All I would have to do is click the Red material slot and adjust that color to blue and now all the previous red faces will now be blue without having to reassign the faces to the colors.
Same applies if you use the same red material on another object in the scene and don’t make it an individual user if you change the color it will change it on all the other objects you have that same Red material on.
@AiiWreX Here is a video that I made to help explain it a bit. You don’t need to separate faces or modify the mesh by any means (unless it is required for the modeling) There is no audio as the house is rather noisy right now but I had my screencast keys turned on so if you see something done that you don’t know how to do just look at the screencast info. Hope this helps. Just FYI as well what I am doing after selecting and assigning the first colors to the selected faces is hitting “ctrl+i” to select the inverse faces then I assign the other color to those faces.
Oh crap, I think I may have misread your question. Are you talking about selecting a specific color area to an image material? Or did I get it right the first time?
If you are talking about changing the blue parts of a texture that is part of a material then that can be done inside the node editor.
Change to the node editor and make sure it is set to material nodes (its the brown circle in the editor’s header). Drag a MixRGB node between the image and its shader. Change color in the second slot to red (or whatever you want) and switch the blending mode from mix to hue.
Values between 0 and 1 in the “fac” slot act as an opacity silder (example: .5 is 50% transparent). If you plug a black and white image into the fac slot, it will act like a mask (black parts represent transparency, white parts represent opacity).
@FlyingBanana@zanzio Guys i want to thank you for taking the time to answear this question but unfortunaly none of that is what i mean…
Now what i mean is that if there is any too select the current existing color with a “color selection tool” then use something like the “fill” tool from paint ( i know that only works inside it patterns aswell, but i was thinking a 3d program is a bit more advanced than paint so… i have to try and ask…) and fill out the selected color without having to selectall the faces that i want to recolor
As far as I know there isn’t an eyedropper type tool to do anything like that. As blender would have no idea what sections/verts/faces you actually want filled. Which is why you have to identify them by selecting them so blender knows where you are wanting them. There is no way for it to distinguish what exactly you do want a color and what you don’t want a color. Unless during creation you separate the mesh at the sections that will be one color and then assign them, and once all done then joining all the separate sections back together. But if you are going to be doing all that, it is just as easy to just plan ahead on what you want one color and what you want a different color and do it the traditional way. You don’t have to select each individual face one by one either, if you hold Alt then click at the edge of a face it will select all that is connected then there is the option to select similar and it will select the additional geometry that is also on the model.
Ok, so you are talking about the mesh. I need to explain something about 3d objects. The object itself is basically just a chart with a third axis for depth. It itself doesn’t have color, so you need to assign extra data to the mesh in order to color it.
Blender DOES have a fill tool, but it only works on image textures. You can assign a texture to a mesh, then paint on the mesh inside the viewport, but when you use the fill tool in the viewport, it fills everything unless you enable selection masking. Selection masking lets you select specific polygons you want to use to limit the effects of you paint tools.
The fill tool can work the way you expect it to, but that effect is limited to the image editor:
I’m not sure, its a new system and I haven’t learned everything yet. Oh, and about my answer, it took me a while to make the gifs and finish the post (I had to stop and do stuff). When I finished a lot of people had already responded, so I just went ahead with the post instead of deleting it.