Adding Geometry.

I know it’s a simple thing. But I can’t figure out how to do it in blender. I need to add more geometry to a plane without extruding. Can anyone help me?

simplest ways are:

  1. loop cut (k key) -> select a loop and it will subdivide (pretty self explanatory when you use it)

  2. knife (not really a knife - more of a pick which edges will be divided and where) - again, k key - good documentation on blender site, but essentially - select edges you want to be involved in cut (it wont cut the others), drag the mouse over them with left click, hit enter when finished. It will subdivide to suit. cut a quad on an even number of edges and it will be made into more quads, otherwise triangles. There are different options - look at the blender site to see what they are as I don’t think they are very self-explanatory names

  3. select edge and subdivide with subdivide key (w I think) there are lots of options, all a little more obvious.

  4. delete edges or faces and use ctrl+left click to add vertices and then make more edges / faces out of them (not advised!)

if you just need to add a new vertex, hold ctrl and click. wherever you click it will add a new vertex. just make sure that you have nothing selected. if you do have something selected it will extrude your selection to that point.

after you add in a new vertex, you can connect it by selecting it and 2 or 3 other vertices and pressing f to make a face

hope that helps