Adding muscle definition to existing displacement maps

I’m working with a character that has detailed displacement maps (face details, pores, etc.) but I want to add more muscle definition while keeping all the original displacement details. I’m confused about the best approach:

  1. Should I load the original displacement maps first, then sculpt and rebake?
  2. If so, how do I ensure I preserve all the original displacement details?
  3. The model uses a layer system (separate maps for pores, wrinkles, etc.) - does this affect how I should approach adding muscles?

I think that the workflow will be the following: add Multires on lowpoly, do your muscle sculpt, then add more subduvisions if needed, and Displace modifier. Maybe several Displace modifiers for each layer you have.

If Bake from Multires ignores modifiers after Multires in the stack (I’m not sure), then make the copy of the mesh, delete modifiers, add Multires with a number of subdivisions equal to the previous mesh, then select them both and , on the second mesh Multires, utilize Shape - Reshape command to transfer shape from all the modifiers to that single Multires