Adding neon effect to material

I have probably bitten off more than I chew with this little project. I currently trying to model a recognizer from the movie tron (probably been done a million times before) but I am having trouble getting the blue or red neon effect in my render (where there is a slightly glow along the red or blue lines)

I had a look at the node and composite node editor but ended up confused. I had a look at the neon sign effect tutorial, but it does not help in my situation.


Have you tried using dense lines of halos to fake the glow?

No I havent. I forgot to mention that I am thinking about animating this after I have finished modelling. So at the moment I am trying to keep the model simple.

Just starting with the obvious, have you tried pushing the Emitter value for the glow materials up? Looks brilliant if you’re using radiosity, but not sure what it’ll do in the GE.

Been while since I’ve seen a good Tron based game! Looking forward to more updates!

yeah the emitter is all the way up at the moment. I still havent even started on the control room yet. im hoping to maybe create a small animation of it flying around a land scape and maybe crushing something like a tank or a light cycle (if i can do a good model of those).

I still have lots to learn about texturing.