Adding particles After frame 1?

Dunno if this happens to anyone else, but whenever i try to set up a particle system after frame one on the time line, nothing seems to happen. its quite annoying.
I know that i can set the start and end frames for a particle, but these seem to have no effect.
any idea why?

I have the same problem here. I’m running a mac intel leopard and particles seem to be buggy at the time. Im just waiting (and hoping) for a 2.46b release soon. I don’t think Im the only one by looking at the message boards. Particles sometimes they show, sometimes they just don’t. is really weird.

Update: Ok, now i see the particles finally. I havent figured out the new particle system entirely but I just downloaded the two sample files from . After pressing the bake button (you might have to press twice) starts a sort of rendering of particles and if you scrub the time line or do a rendering there they are. I haven’t figure it out why is that and Im sorry but I’ve been trying to at least to see the particles and it worked for me until now. I just have to know what bake means because I knew about baking textures, but I don’t know how does aply that to particles.

hmm thats interesting, could it be a mac thing then? i run blender on a new macbook pro.


Nope, its not mac specific. What is going on is when you bake, you tell blender to compute the particles based on everything that is going on right now. Once that is done, blender knows where they are so it can display them in the 3d viewport. otherwise the computations only take place at render time and usually wont display in the viewport because blender hasnt cached the data and so doesnt know where to draw them, ergo it doesnt…

“Nope, its not mac specific. What is going on is when you bake, you tell blender to compute the particles based on everything that is going on right now. Once that is done, blender knows where they are so it can display them in the 3d viewport. otherwise the computations only take place at render time and usually wont display in the viewport because blender hasnt cached the data and so doesnt know where to draw them, ergo it doesnt…”

Thanks, thats something I wasn’t really sure about. :evilgrin: