Adding points in edit mode the fastest way

Adding a vertice to the scene and more points additionally, the simplest way?
Not sure what the shortcut is for adding a vertice in edit mode, I could map one of course, but…

And, also use quick favourites which I have set it to…
but is there not a way to simply click add points with the mouse to create new ones, like in Lightwave you right click and move mouse to insert…surely there´s got to be a similar easy add point in edit mode? without having to use a shortcut?

What exactly do you mean? If you want to add a new mesh object of one vertex, there used to be an add on for that. If you want to add a new vertex between two on an edge, select the two and subdivide. If you want to extrude from one vertex, you can select the vertex and curl- click to place the new one. I might not be describing what you are talking about though.

Nope, I do not want to use it initially to create geometry directly, that may be a case later, or to use points as guides, or to use points as placers to clone other stuff on.

so polybuild extruding is just unecessary and gets in the way I think, just add a simple vertex as you do with add single vertices, but repeatedly and in one continous flow with a simpler command than having to use a shortcut or a button and then mouse click.

in lightwave here, just right mouse button click…as long as I have started the point tool that is.

I then close it with “p” which is make polygon, the equivalent is “f” for faces in blender, but that was not really what I aimed to show, disregard that part, just the point create distribution mainly is what I asked for if you can do in a similar way.

Activate the Extra Mesh Objects addon (it comes with Blender already) and then in Edit Mode you’ll see the option Add Single Vert when you press Shift+A.
The vertice will be added on the 3d cursor position.
Then you can just extrude that vert with E like any regular extrusion


Yep, this is a game changer. I think I Shift A a single vert more than anything else

Oh no, I have had that for some year already…probably a lot longer
, I know how to use that :slight_smile:
That is not the point …and
you have to add it to a fav quick menu, or add a shortcut for it, and still…even then you can not just click and place vertices, like I showed how easy you can do it in lightwave there, you would have to click the shortcut …confirm it each time, and not even have the accuracy of placing it as I did in the video.

adding vertices this way as only option is not very smooth.
In the video…I just right mouse button
click away, so an add vertices tool like that, just click and place the points without extra shortcuts…that would be nice.

Blender doesn’t have the concept of a point tool like lightwave, so I don’t think you can get the exact same functionality unless you create a script for that.

But with the single vert option, after you’ve created the first vertex you can just Ctrl+RMB and a new vertex will be added exactly where you click, each vertex will be connected to the previous one by an edge but after you’ve placed all your vertices as you want you can just select all and delete just the edges.
That’s the closest I can think of using only vanilla Blender tools

I know exactly how to do that, I just wanted to avoid having geometry of polys or poly lines when I do not need them so I don´t have to delete after
, that I explained in the beginning as well.

But thanks guys, I don´t want to sound ungrateful.

The fastest way though, is to use lightwave to add the…then use OD tools (oliver Holtz plugin) and
copy and paste to blender, and there they are.

Edit.for this to work, you have to convert the od copied/pasted object to a true mesh, then you can edit the points, not before…with pure geometry from lw…you don´t have to do that though.

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You are kidding aren’t you?

Ctrl-RMB add vertices while connecting them and a Shift-Ctrl-LMB selects all those edges and you can delete XOnly Edges & Faces those afterwards.
Also E simply extrudes any vertex.

Or hit A after every vertex…
Or use Ctrl-Dand drag to next location.

But finally you have to build up some edges or faces anyway

If the points dont neet to be freely placed you can create a grid in the desired resolution,
pick the points and duplicate/separate to a new mesh.


Here’s a small script that adds a vertex at the cursor location…
You can add a shortcut to it in the preferences, and all it need is to call mesh.add_edit_vertex.

It works like this: click where you want to place the vertex (places the cursor), call the operator.

import bpy
import bmesh

class AddVertex(bpy.types.Operator):
    """Add a simple vertex"""
    bl_idname = "mesh.add_edit_vertex"
    bl_label = "Add Vertex"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        return context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH' and context.active_object.type=='MESH'

    def execute(self, context):
        mesh =
        bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(mesh)
        return {'FINISHED'}

def menu_func(self, context):
    self.layout.operator(AddVertex.bl_idname, icon='DECORATE')

def register():

def unregister():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Thank´s but no…and I know how to do that, not what I want, the points are to be freely placed.

Thanks, but.a bit
too tedious, I would like to have a no shortcut function, mouse click place without engaging more hands and fingers than the righ hand and right finger :slight_smile:

Tried pasting it directly in the python editor, didn´t work, may try it later though and install from the preference tab.

Script extension?
Install from where?

it’s just a script… open it in the text editor and run the script from there.
Then set whatever action should call the script, in the preferences. The Keymap also deals with single click of the mouse to call an operator (thought i don’t advise you to, but who am I).

If you think the operator is good, then turn it into an addon.

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when copied, you have to save it first and add txt as extension., that´s why I wanted to know what extension it had to be.

and that´s why I thought it was simple python and pasted and ran it.
but no, opening it from the scripting panel, nothing happens.

also…I need to know which version you created it for?
That was undefined, my fault that I should have mentioned blender 4.2 initially though.
And…is it running under edit mode, object mode?

Most every operation in blender requires a shortcut function to get there, either picking it from a menu or clicking a button. There’s no getting around that.

Even LightWave… you’re having to engage the function. A mouse click does not insert a vertex no matter what else is going on.

No…but it sounds like a joke to me that you didn´t read what I needed in my clear description in post 2 from me, I specificly said …I do not want it to create geometry lines interfering, and having to delete them, I just wanted the points, and your conclusion that I need to create geometry anyway, is wrong, I may do that later and based on points as a guide, and I may use points in a different way here than linking them, that must have alluded you.

That is false, or I should say…you misunderstood all this,

you can add curves …clicking and place, extend etc.
no…lightwave is either a shortcut to start the tool, not placing the points…that is kind of the point…of course you have to activate a tool .that is obvious, either by shortcut or a button in some menu…that is by no means to equal a smooth distribution function…as I did in Ligtwave.

every point I click and place with the mouse requires No shortcut, that was the whole point of it, not the basic call for the tool.

A mouse click does not insert a vertex?
You got it all wrong…it´s not about calling the tool, it´s about the distribution process/function to be as smooth as possible.

to avoid further irritation on this, we can conclude, blender can not do this without someone specificly creating a script for it , and for it to handle a mouse button click placement sequentially.

Let´s leave it at that, one guy have attempted, I didn´t get that to work, so abit more testing on that.