I had thought uv mapping would be a way to do this, but it looks too blocky… any other way of spreading around a texture so it looks more natural like say moss on a rock?
You could use procedural textures, they don’t need to be UVmapped and are seamless.
how do i do procedural texturing?
Not quite what I was looking for i was looking more at something like vertex painting, except with textures, is that possible?
I think if you search the forum you can find an example that uses vertex colors as a stencil for different materials using the node system. 2.43 will have multiple vertex color layers to make it easier for many materials.
this might be more of what i was thinking about, ill try it and see:
If you use a Moss texture (image) on, say, a rock and then use a black and white texture set to Stencil, only the black areas will show moss.