Adding Youtube link to profile without having 100 subs

I’m only just starting out on the whole ‘social media’ scene and as such my new Youtube channel doesn’t have 100 subscribers. The problem with that is one needs 100 in order to actually name the channel and have a link that matches

As such, my channel current URL is:

As I don’t have 100 subs, trying to be ‘noticed’ isn’t easy and adding it to my profile here is at least a start.

Since it says to add the part AFTER ‘’ it doesn’t seem possible to do until one has 100 subscribers.

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So, its taken a bit of time, but I’m now very close to having solved this issue. The solution of course being reaching 100 subscribers :stuck_out_tongue:

At the time of this post I am at 97, so only 3 more to go :smiley:

Then comes the next goal… 1000 subscribers.

Yay, 100 subs, thanks all :smiley:

And, then with proof that sometimes the world is out to get you, the thing this now allows, setting up a much shorter/named URL for the Youtube channel, is the one thing that is currently offline due to Google updating backend systems.

So I guess its going to take a little longer to sort out.