Hi, I found this refence pics a while ago on the internet and I thought it should be a great addition to TorQ’s face tutorial. It’s low poly and easy to trace. And even more, the edge loops are correct.
Hi, I found this refence pics a while ago on the internet and I thought it should be a great addition to TorQ’s face tutorial. It’s low poly and easy to trace. And even more, the edge loops are correct.
nice, and is cool that you are hosting it as opposed to linking to that other page where you found it
but, I’m curious, where did you find it?
I don’t know where I got this from. It was a while ago and pure luck. I even went to this guy’s site, but the images weren’t there. It was just a portofolio site. Maybe I found it through surfing the links of deatfall because at one time I was searching for the head tutorials there.
it was in either spiroloid sessions or cgtalk, topology thread… both exceptionally informative threads
umm could be in here http://cube.phlatt.net/forums/spiraloid/viewtopic.php?TopicID=386
These were just two among many in the metagons image library… Unfortunatly metagons.com is in a deep coma…
found it. It was posted by Phreaknasty on cgtalk
here is the forum:
I did this in 20 minutes.
The technique is like box modelling but instead you start with a UV sphere (16 segments, 10 rings). It is very quick and easy. All quads and the edge loops are correct. This is a mixture of everything I’ve read and seen so far, and I think I will be holding on on this technique for a while, just to see where it leads. I will be posting the advances in the Work In Progress forum from now on. When I’m finished and sastified with the result, I’ll be writing a tutorial. But in a nuttshell: UV sphere --> ears will be at the poles --> delete a few segments where the face should be --> extrude from the eyebrows to the chin --> Loop cut the face a couple of times --> model the face (eyes = 1 quad high x 6 quad wide, mouth (adjecant to eyes) --> 2 quads high 4 quads wide). Chin can be easely shaped.
I just found these on a Portugese Web site I copied it to my site. I could not find a site for the author of these.
I thought this would be a good place to post them.
I can’t remember the site I got it from but here’s a link. I initially found it VIA a Goodle searc for “edgeloop”
I’ve seen this image on a CG Brazilian Site called 3d4all (www.3d4all.org), the images were on the forum about modelling the humam head, it was a workshop, and they were discussing about edgeloop and animation. In this picture they separeted the parts which changes more/less, by colour, when the head is animated. Unfortunately the images are not online in the forum anymore…
This is the page of the author:
Look at the bottom right corner of the pic.