Animation Nodes

Before installing, did you properly uninstall the previous version like mentioned in the manual?
It could also be that you are using the wrong version.

If you are using a “latest build” version of Blender from here

then your Blender version uses Python 3.6. But Animation Nodes 2.0 uses Python 3.5.

You can either download the last official release from here:

or use a Python 3.6 version of Animatino Nodes of the pre-release version of Animation Nodes 2.1:

Thank you Lumpengnom, unfortunaly I have “everything” fine on my computer (I guess). I mean, it is basic but it should run the addon (i7 2ghz, 8Gb DDR3 of Ram, GeForce 1 GB Vram, Windows 7)
And yes, I’ve tried uninstalling and erasing every file related to the addon (btw I’m using the official 2.79b with Python 3.5.3)

What’s wrong?

Heres is a screencapture of a computer with almost the same specifications (i5 5Ghzm 8Gb of Ram and Win 7) but here the addon does work …

So, what are the error messages?

I do believe I read that @Jacques_Lucke will be working on 2.8 directly at the Blender Institute, does anyone know if this means that Animation Nodes is being updated for 2.8 or is he working on something else?

hey guys i cant enable the animation node
iam use the official blender 2.79b
here is the picture


I tried Animation Nodes 2.1 to create Curve Array modifier. It looks great. Actually, it’s possible to make some cool Modeling Modifiers through AN.
an_clone_curve_05.blend (1.7 MB)


Better to report bugs at his Github page.

Another simple Array Modifier. I’ll defenetely use it for modeling. Animation Nodes 2.1.
an_simple_array_01.blend (1.3 MB)


What does ‘loop viewer’ do? I connected index and iterations to data, but nothing appears. I am using official released on official blender 279b


I found it is hard for me too understand ‘loop’ in animationnodes. for example, in the following image, many dots are placed on concentric circles. Every concentric circle has an index CircleLoop which is 0~10. On concentric circle there are 7*(CircleLoop+1) little cirlces, which have radom colors and was called ‘dot’ by me. The distance between 2 dots are ‘dlta’. It is easy to write python code to generate this picture

for CircleLoop in range(1, 10):
    numberOfDot = CircleLoop*7
    phi = 2*pi/numberOfDot
    for DotLoop in range(numberOfDot):
        x = cos(DotLoop*phi) * dist * CircleLoop 
        y = sin(DotLoop*phi) * dist * CircleLoop 
        DrawCircle(x, y, randomcolor)

then I try to translate the python code into animationcodes, but failed. So how can fix it? thanks

untitled.blend (620.6 KB)

Here is the screencapture :pensive:

Hi sus_unn, I saw the bugs report about this instalation problem but there’s still no answers

Well the missing point is to have a texteditor showing the actual values.

If you press the little lookingglass icon on the Loop Viewer node on the upper right you’ll get some frames where you can select if the text editor is opened on the left, right, top or bottom.

If you select to open on the right you get the text editor showing the LoopViewer data. (see the red rectangle on the screenshot). The Index is counting from 0…3 and the iterations remain at 4 constantly.

Well you definitely may not cross data between loops the way you did by connecting the two loop networks. This gives you the network error you see.

The only way is to pass the data from one loop to the other via data inputs or generator outputs. Even programming nested loops with code you have to watche the scope of variables.

May be this tutorial from Thinking Penguin can help to clarify this. Nested loops are quite tricky.

Finally AN is working!, I had to uninstall Visual C++ 2015 and then reinstall from a fresh download.
It works!, so happy! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

where am I doing wrong? I can not create a noise array
I can not follow this tutorial

this is the file

Hi all. So I have a matrix of an instanced object with audio falloff and such, and I’m looking at this tutorial to try and get sweeping colour differentials across the grid, like a water fountain display. I’m not using a loop as in this video example [ ], though he specifies that this technique can be done ‘before (outside-sic) the loop’; and it doesn’t seem like i necessarily need to use a loop, which is good because I’m still getting my head around the concept.

At the point the video starts with this link, he connects a map range node to mix colours, and this won’t work in my file. As I’m not using a loop I’m taking the translations from decompose matrix right into separate vectors (both nodes look purple?), whereas he adds a vector list entry in his loop subprogram ‘between’ them. So I think the issue is something to do to this. I would be most grateful if someone could suggest a workaround and/or explain the underlying concept that I’m missing. I’ve uploaded screenshots of the node tree and camera.

Beyond this, I also have other grids with audio falloff stuff, and I’m aiming to do stuff with all sin waves and that, so if anyone had some links to more information about that sort of thing, attributes and trig. functions for affecting matrices I would appreciate it a lot.

I’m using animation nodes to randomize texture coordinates when the frame changes. Its working well, but I’d like to have it only update every nth frame, like not change for 15 frames or so. I’ve tried using ‘min time difference’ but that doesn’t seem to have an effect.

I’ve got the node tree set to Auto execution, and ‘frame changed’ is also checked (always, tree, and property are off) the min time diff is set to .5 which seems to be .5 seconds. I would think this would make it update only every 15 frames (at 30 fps) however the texture is updating every frame… how can I delay the change?

All your instances have the same location.

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As for the frame stuff, perhaps using the Time Info with a combination of some math nodes (like Modulo, Ceiling, Floor, etc.) to restrict the updates.

Btw: are you just hooking into a cycles node via AN’s Cycles Material Output node to do the offsetting or are you modifying the objects actually uv map?

Good luck!

Thanks for the modulo, etc, suggestions, yes, I’m using the cycles material output to offset. not sure how to manipulate uv’s…

The thing I’m stumped on is how to get the node tree to only update on the next randomly chosen frame number. I’m using the repeat time, random number, and time info nodes, which updates the texture every frame.

Any idea how store a number added to the current frame (to get the next update frame) and have it wait to do the transform on that frame?