[Addon] Auto Completion in Blenders Text Editor

I created some more dynamic snippets.

I will document them in more detail later

I made a longer test run for this addon by writing another addon :smiley:
Here is a timelapse:

Also the intelligent auto completion for all operators that are accesable with bpy.ops is nearly perfect now:

This works for all operators (not for self-defined functions!)

This is really great, good job again :wink:

Thanks :smiley:

Now the autocompletion is more correct in many situations.
Lets say you have the following line:


before the change this could mean either ObjectModifiers, SequenceModifiers or FCurveModifiers. Now the whole line is evaluated as good as possible to get the exact type which is ObjectModifiers of course :slight_smile:

furthermore the script can complete functions from the api (not only operators from bpy.ops like before)

I plan to write a bit more documentation about some special functions tomorrow

What I meant was getting the value of the : param and : type tags (if present) to show more data about parameters.
I gave the addon a good go now and it really works as advertised. Keep up the good work!

If you have any suggestions or problems I would be very happy to hear them :slight_smile:

I wrote a few things that aren’t obvious in this file: https://github.com/JacquesLucke/script_auto_complete/blob/master/docs/getting_started.rst

Thanks a lot Jacques for this several explanations very useful.
I wish you an happy New Year’s Eve.
Bye bye.

@Spirou4D: no problem :slight_smile:

I added a new ‘trigger’ for the addon. Now it notices if you want to compare values like here:

Those things are a bit more complex and I can never be sure that the code you typed always matches the patterns I implemented. Fortunally this has no impact on all the other functions so you can just be happy when it works :slight_smile:

also its kind of difficult if you split your operator call up into several lines…

This is absolutely fantastic. Awesome work @Jacques Lucke

@cg-cnu: thanks :cool:

I just want to say that this addon is available in the BlenderMarket now: https://cgcookiemarkets.com/blender/all-products/code-autocomplete/

Hope you like it,

I bought it ! Well done :wink:

I would suggest reducing the price to something a little more comfortable for people. Given that this is aimed towards developers, I suspect the majority of people considering such an addon would rather invest the time in developing their own for the current price.

Congrats Jacques! Looks cool. I would suggest you add some future plans in your addons presentation like features you have planned for future releases, and make a point that these upgrades are free. That will make people more confident in investing in the addon.

Also, the documentation editor ate your paragraphs.

@Januz: Ohhh not again :frowning: I will have to reformat the doc… thanks for mentioning
And about the other point: Yes I will write it there when I have a more detailed idea how I can extend the addon.

Ugh glad it’s not just me. Please poke the cookie crew about this, really annoying to have to reformat the whole page every time you want to edit a tiny bit. I’ve told them once or twice about it, but nothing has come of it.

Ack! This really shouldn’t be happening. We’ve “fixed” it probably 3 or 4 times now. It keeps coming back. We’re about to refactor the whole documentation system, which should actually resolve the issue. Sorry about the bug :frowning:

@JonathanW: hmm, okay. Hopefully it works them…

It’s quite funny: I’m coding and using the same tool at the very same time :smiley:

Cool it reminds me my old attemp to get this thing done. Good job.