[Addon] blenderseed - appleseed Render Exporter

I’m not using Linux anymore, unfortunately, so I can’t test it there :frowning: Had to migrate back to Windows.

Which version of the script are you using? I think I solved the pathing errors in the latest versions, which are on bitbucket. Did I not, and only think I did?

I also changed everything from OS-specific path separators to using os.path.sep or os.path.join in those versions.

I am using my posted distributed architecture version of the exporter. When I pulled down the latest version from bitbucket, at that time, the single file exporter did not work. Are you considering taking the multi-file approach or are you just sticking with one file for now?

I’m not sure, I might split it up when I can get around to it; I think Est was planning to do a lot more work on his fork (of my fork of his exporter), including using nodes, and he’s already splitting things up into several files.

I prefer to keep your exporter, merging my tests and experiments.

About splitting, my workflow is making a symbolic link to the repository
in the folder that blender looks for addons.
I use an external editor, for example Sublime Text or QtCreator and
quit and restart blender to test.
You can save a file with the addon loaded and ready to test and
load it from the command line.

Because git does not work very well with splitting files and renaming while merging,
I think it’s better to split the exporter now, before doing more work on it.

I can make a pull request, if you are not going to work on it for a few days.

Please do! I’ve got a couple irons in the fire, so I might not get to it for a few more days.

Hey everyone, there’s a new version of the render_appleseed exporter on bitbucket. It includes support for material preview rendering.

The code could stand some cleaning up, but it works :slight_smile:

Hey, great news! Is there a description somewhere of the implemented features?

Also, a quick suggestion: you probably want to version your releases (and your code) to avoid any potential confusion.


Nice job! The new release of appleseed is looking very cool!

I need to start posting the changes this on the first post of this thread!

The big change is support for material preview using appleseed.cli. Next release will include support for writing SPPM into the project file.

Edit: my bad, I thought I changed the version number. I only changed it in the files in my Blender installation. My bad. :slight_smile:

Isn’t it??

It is…!
I just tested it again. It is very well done piece of software.
I am really excited about the SPPM implementation!
Maybe appleseed will go and be one of my choices in indoor arch viz…

This addon won’t work on osx and probably linux. Since we have to start appleseed with ./run-appleseed.sh - otherwise the dylib are not loaded and appleseed won’t start.

See this error.

I guess the problem is more with how appleseed is built than this exporter.

Do you have any contact to the appleseed developers?

I do, but this can fixed with the exporter. I’ve never tested it on Linux, so thanks for the heads up :slight_smile: Wanna PM me to talk about it further? I’ll try to get it working on Linux.

I’m on osx :wink: I’m not in the need to get it running, i just saw it does not work and would let you know. Unless you need me for testing or anything i see no need for PM, thanks anyway.

In windows, where do you put appleseed bin for this script work ?

Hello everyone, founder and main dev of appleseed here. Please let me know if I can be of any help with getting things to work properly.

A sure way to contact appleseed developers and get a prompt response is to join us on the appleseed-dev mailing list.


Check the user preferences when you enable the addon; you need to set the path to the appleseed/bin directory.

Does anyone have this working in linux? I was able to install the addon and set the path correctly to “… appleseed/bin” but when I render I only get an empty scene. What kind of lights is Appleseed compatible with?

Thank for your help !

Any advantages to using this?

Last time I used Appleseed, it was slower than Luxrender
…and that is saying a lot