[Addon] collector (assets/presets/managerment,screenshot as icon preview)

this addon can saves all your render settings/material/object/modifies sequence/compositing nodes/particles/library into separated (xxx.txt) flies,so that you can easily reuse them at one click.
you can use this addons as an asset manager, the files you have stored into hard disk is very small(using a text file to save all the data from selected object or other things that you want to save),because it only save the file you need,no other scene object will be save along.
the UI has three level tabs 1:types of data>> 2:species>> 3:tabs

update 20140418: 1:add the setting of mist and world update 20140503;(rename it to multi-preset) 1: add the material,cloth,particle,hair settings 2: add the RenderLayer setting 3: now all the settings will be saved to different text file in you hard disk. update 20140528: 1: fix some issues when saving into hard disc
update 20140601: 1: add the composite node preset update 20140608: 1: add the cycles node preset 2: fix the ColorRamp node can’t store color problem 3: add the auto color shader node button. 4: fix the rename issue now you can rename the preset act like the build-in function. update 20140806 1:turn all The attribute names into english to fix the save issue 2:add import button for reloading items from harddisk manully update 20150510 note,this update is not upward compatible,but It work in blender2.74

----update 20151129---- add object presets. you can add any selected object in the scene and save it as a preset,and can repreduce them in any scene at any time. the object preset are saved to the disk autometically you have no need to press the save to disk button, this button is only for saving the layout setting.

is updated to 20170704(for blender2.78+)

is updated to 20170914(for blender2.79+ WINDOWS X64)
1):the render preset now can restore the denoise setting which is the 2.79’s feature.

----update20200417------ for blender2.82
add screenshot as icon


composing node preset:

every data will be written into a text file include face\edge\points\material\modifier\settings\particles\compositing\render setting\visibility and transform of the scene objects and collections. The filesize is usually only 1% of blend format.

IMDJS_collector(blender2.82,to install,unzip the file and put to the addons folder).rar (4.9 MB)
note: don’t install directly ,you should unzip the file and paste to the addons folder instead, Otherwise there will be garbled code in the item’s name


Thanks a lot @imdjs,
Tools very usable.

Thanks for sharing!

Cool! Going in the toolbox… :slight_smile:

Very useful addon :yes: I dream of something similar to this when working with Particle System and Physics.

isn’t it the same as render presets?

the render presets only records the dimemsins part,but this addon records all the render setting ,e.g. the filepath,the bake part, the sampling part ,the volume sampling part, the performance part,and so on。

oh i see, thank you.

I try, thanks for sharing!!

Very good work! Thnx.
@imdjs, can you do it with cloth presets also? Maybe some people will be very happy. ( me…:-))

Some error:

this addon have been updated to 20140418 ,and remove all the print massage make sure it doesn’t go wrong.

an addon merges with the render setting, material setting ,cloth setting,particle setting is in the plan.

We need you, thank you for good news!

@imdjs Cool! :slight_smile:
What you think about add SAVE and LOAD options?

I will save and load data via several independent text file but not in the blend file ,so that it can share the data between diffrent scenes.

Hmm, it would be cool to be able to save the options to python instructions, so you can save to, say, “settings.py” and then render from commandline with blender -P settings.py and it applies the render settings. Would be nice for render farms etc.

Another idea is to save which render layers are enabled.

Very useful tool! 谢谢!

Good Addon!赞!!

imdjs please help me.

Maybe I am doing mistake, but I have problem with your script.
I tried to install it - to addons_contib or install from file. I tried to start blender as administrator.

01 - after restart - blender does not remember addon. I must to install it again. (image 01)
02 - problem with installing (image 02)
03 - after installation everything is working! SUPER ADDON! But - save to disk - is not possible (image 03, 04)
04 - after restart - (blender does not remember addon) and does not remember presets (image 05)

Problem with font?
Thank you

it’s been updated ,I am not sure whether the issue still there, but It works fine in my system.