This addon mimics commonly used “bone controls for mass-posing”, where you can select a buch of bones from dedicated sheet and tweak them all in once. This depends on rig type and bones naming, of course, so this addon targets armatures from Manuel Bastioni Lab only. But it can be adopted to any other rig, bone mapping and safety min-max values are just parameters inside script.
switch to WPL tab in T-panel and check bones/fingers you wish to control “en masse”. You can press and move mouse to do it fast - in one gesture
“slide” control values (Fold, Twist, etc) a little and checked bones will be modified all at once. Slider value will be added/substracted from corresponding Euler channel - X Y or Z
modifications are also subject to “anatomically correct” limits (sort of), so rotations will automatically stop to prevent weird distortions, etc
Reset buttons can be used to set default rotations on checked bones
Put it in the same category (Characters) as MBLab, so it’s easier to find in Addon Tab.
Increase the increment rate of the sliders for faster manipulation, holding shift will let you make fine adjustments.
Put the different parts(Body, Left hand, etc.) in their own panel so the can be collapsed separately for less scrolling.
Add option to save presets.
Add option to copy/paste symmetrically, like from one hand to the other.
I would suggest doing the eyes and mouth, but you probably already got plans for that. If you like any of these suggestions and don’t know how to implement them, or just want some help in general, feel free to ask.
Again, thanks for this addon, it was definitely needed.
Nice suggestions, thanks! Will do them gradually (over time).
>4. Add option to save presets.
Imho this is why Pose Library is here. Or you mean something else?
Pose is only for the current blend, else you have to append from another. Presets would be available in any blend. For example, the Render Presets. You could have some that ship with the addon(basic stuff like a fist for the hands, etc) and users could add their own.
you can append pose library from another blend just as other stuff like materials, etc
you can save/replace just part of armature in pose, it works on selected bones, not armature in whole. For example, you can put hands in different partial poses or drop them into separate dedicated library. Also, check this tool - - with it you can mix different poses (from pose library) with interpolation, which sometimes can be very handy
I mean, instead of yet-another-one dedicated preset system - it is better to think off pose library integration, because it has many corresponding features already. Just something to consider…
Well, I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. I just think it’s more of a hassle to append from a file every time I want to use a pose that I use all the time. I’d just rather it already be there.
Another option would be to have a dedicated blend for your addon and have a interface that retrieves a list of the poses in the blend, appends the selected pose to the pose library(if it’s not already there), and assigns it to the rig, with one click. I implemented this kind of system on a brush manager I’m working on.
Or not. I’m still happy with this addon. It’s one less reason to use DAZ/Poser etc. and just stay in Blender.
Yep, i definitely agree with a need to have full-featured pose library, preferably fetchable from some kind of server and updatable from any user… This would be great! But imho it should not be tied to ManuelBastioni armatures only. In fact there is a bunch of more or less “standart” armatures, MB is one example, V8 DAZ is another and this would be great to have a place, where poses can be exchanged - uploaded, searched, downloaded… May be i`ll go that way, this will give more interesting results
Btw, updated addon with several improvements, most of your suggestions implemented too
Nice addition to the Lab,
one suggestion: if you select one or more bones in 3dview it should toggle the selected parts in your menu too and vice versa.
I would also recommend a preset system, cause it is much faster than to append something, it is a one click solution and not everyone is using a pose library, but maybe they should, anyway, good work.
I have update your addons to work with 2.8x, I added the addon to View3D > Sidebar (N) > MB-Lab Tab, so they are in the same tab of new MB-Lab addon (old ManuelBastioni addon).