[ADDON] Material IO + Material Library

Already 40 different materials in the library, check it out over at my website.

awesome! this is so useful. I hope one day they can host a material library on the main site

Thanks! I totally agree about the material library

Thank you very much for this plugin

No problem!

0.7 is out with a bug fix that caused Value input nodes to throw an error.

This is exactly what I need. Thanks for saving me a lot of work!

Glad to help

I will be careful not to be negativ, you do this hard work for notting, to share it with us. What you have made is an excelent start for what can become the standard in Blender. As I have said before Blender is probably the onlly 3D application out there that don’t have any material, object preset browser. modo have one of the best. It is very time consuming not to have this available in Blender. Your script Jacob is good, but it does not do preview the materials, so it is a quess and try. I can give the material a logical name like Metals - Silver and then append it to the object. With fabrics that is not so easy, here it is a must to have a preview of it.

A combination between yours and Peters Online library would be a big hit.

Sorry double post

Well, if you are getting materials through my library those at least have a preview when you download them, but from there on out you don’t. The problem with having a preview is that it would be virtually impossible that way this add-on is built. You would have to have it render out a preview every time you created exported a material. Which is not only hard to do, but time consuming on the exportation side of things. If I added an image attached with the materials from my library then you run into the problem of how to show them in the file browser. It is something that at current point I don’t know how to do. Although it would be a very nice feature.

Hi Jacob,
I have this traceback after import a bmat: your Wood Procedural.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/patrinux/.config/blender/2.74/scripts/addons/io_material.py", line 787, in execute
    import_material(self, context)
  File "/home/patrinux/.config/blender/2.74/scripts/addons/io_material.py", line 464, in import_material
    tree = ET.parse(epath)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 1187, in parse
    tree.parse(source, parser)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/xml/etree/ElementTree.py", line 598, in parse
    self._root = parser._parse_whole(source)
xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: undefined entity: line 3, column 245
location: <unknown location>:-1

What is the problem, please?

My Blender is:
version 2.74 (sub 0), branch b’master’, commit date b’2015-03-31’ b’13:39’, hash b’000dfc0’, b’RelWithDebInfo’
build date: b’2015-04-12’, b’12:16:13’
platform: ‘Linux Mint rebecca 17.1’
proc: Bi-quad Q9600 2.66 Ghz,
Nvidia graphic card GT 630 Vram 4Go.

EDIT 1: I have an idea for your UI: use a value to show only import Ui or export UI. Not the two in same time or make 2 colomns Import at left and export at right.
If you need I can help you for that.

Ok, I like the idea of reworking the UI, I’ll work on that. On the error, what version are you using of Material IO?

Last version 0.7

I’m not getting this error, can you attach the .bmat file?

Yes here is:


wood_procedural.zip (381 KB)

How did you download this? Just click the link, follow it to Google Drive and then just click download. There is a bunch of html that somehow got in the beginning of the file. Here is the link to download from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B35OsPAJ46kvMHlKS185TnJWSkU/view

yes I understand now…I havn’t downloaded but copy to my Google drive…Weird! I don’t understand why i have all this html files…

No I see now: i have made the same as with a github in raw mode, I can download with click right…
Thanks I try now to see…

PS: I have read your code but it’s a shame! you don’t code like the art of code!
it’is not optimised and looped to accelerate efficiancy. There are a lot of job on.
For the UI, it’s very easy: take a look on my last add-on here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Render/Notify_after_render

Look at the preferences UI.

Ok Jacob it run very well!
Your add-on is very usefull, I thought from the start but I hadn’t time to try it really…I work a lot.
In this time, i’am hill but later i help you if you need…
Bye bye

Good week-end and thanks yet.

Version 0.8 is out with a slightly different UI layout