[Addon] Mitsuba Blender Plugin (26-Nov-15)

it´s good to know about it.

I found a posible bug with intersecting geometry; or maybe is a scene configuration problem but i need help after 3 days trying things to correct the issue:
This is a fog object with the camera outside it. The fog object and the fence are in different layer. I need to control it, otherwise i´ll use the sky scatter.
Those are the ground and the fence layers. 2 different layer. The ground have 2 particle systems scattering 3 different objects.
And here is the problem:
When i try to render those 3 layers together, the fog object losess the material, or scattering capability or I don´t know why it get converted to a diffuse material.
I´ve tryed to convert the particle systems to geometry but nothing happens.
Any help?
Tell me if you need the file.
I´m on a mac with oficial 2.76 (if ir matters) with the lastest exporter/APP.
(I´m spanish, so if there is something you don´t undertand tell me; I don´t speak english usually)

@alfageme, yes, please, send me a private message with a link to the scene for testing.

@fjuhec MP sended

New grass & tree combinations :slight_smile:

@The_Big_Brain, nice renders!

@alfageme, found the issue, will update the exporter with a fix.

thank you @RealityFox for the comments :slight_smile:
@ @fjuhec I remark that the r80 is faster than r81 specially when exporting heavy scenes with a lot of primitives …

@The_Big_Brain:Great renders. Did you model the trees with sapling or with another sofware?
@fjuhec: Thanks for the fix. I though I´ve found another bug or another black point in my knowledge.
Here is a sphere with a hair particle system:

It´s like it has not enogh thikness. I´ve try it in windows and OS X but with the same result.
Anyway, is there any option to change the thikness of the hair? It could be a good feature.

@ @alfageme thanks for the comment , trees in the render made by sapling blender addon :slight_smile:

@ The_Big_Brain Great models

Yes, the architecture change to using nodes nodes, automatic blender/cycles material conversion and motion blur resulted in some slowdowns. It is one of my priorities to fix.

There is a setting to control thickness but is very hidden, I will add a more accessible setting.
In the meantime, if you want a kick fix for the issue you are having in the other scene, rename the blender material named “Material” to some other name. The issue is that you have a blender material and a mitsuba node tree with the same name. The “Fog” material node tree is named “Material” and this causes a conflict in export.

I didn´t reallized that you can´t rename a material nodetree, and the Cycles materials are supposed to not be there…
Anyway, my fault and thanks for the advice
Where is the “thickness” control? Just to know…because I´ve been looking but nothing appears

new render of glasses :slight_smile:

ward test material :

i notice there is a “division by zero” in blender console when rendering “ward material” : with a very dark (black/white) bitmap texture connected to ward roughness node , @@fjuhec maybe this is a bug!

i just want to ask if this would be possible to link blender’s “double sided” option with mitsuba plugin. so mitsuba could recognize and make two-sided material automatically if checked in object data?

Hi, there is a new version of the exporter in the repository with a couple fixes and a new property to control hair thickness.

I am thinking of adding the possibility of renaming the nodetree in the future. Also, I think I will add an option to not convert blender or cycles materials.
Check the new version of the exporter in the repository, let me know if you have any issues.

I will check it.

Yes, it should be possible. Will let you know when it’s added.

nice additions fjuhec :slight_smile:

thank you! glad to hear!
one more thing i would like to know. is there a way to define portal for efficient hdri sampling in case with interior? or this is not supported by mitsuba render?

Thank you @fjuhec for the new releases :slight_smile:
there is a little problem with “area light” and “hide emitter” option ,despite the option is checked, the shape of area light still shown in the screen ?

Yes, it’s a limitation of Mitsuba itself, hide emitters does not hide surfaces with area emitters, right now it’s only useful for environment emitters. Maybe a future version of Mitsuba will fix it.


Sorry I missed your post, maybe it was awaiting moderation.

Portals are not supported in Mitsuba.

i think there is a bug with custom conductor ior definition.very unpredictable behavior. for example to make metal with ior of 10 -color should be set to ~0.67 in linear gamma.but now it is broken. very strange values.
could someone check and confirm? i do not use latest blender.