Hello !
A little update with an optional color correction toolbox.
[download : github.com/Nikos-Prinios]
ps: not really polished yet… bugs may happen :eyebrowlift:
Hello !
A little update with an optional color correction toolbox.
[download : github.com/Nikos-Prinios]
ps: not really polished yet… bugs may happen :eyebrowlift:
Great and very useful addon. Thanks a lot
Hi Nikos,
Very good, this color correction in addition.
But I have a new bug with several loaded HDR photos: With a 2nd, after you choose a hdr photo, the properties windows come back in node window and the photo isn’t loaded. Weird?
With this traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/patrinux/.config/blender/2.76/scripts/addons/hdri_-lighting_shortcut/__init__.py", line 384, in execute
File "/home/patrinux/.config/blender/2.76/scripts/addons/hdri_-lighting_shortcut/__init__.py", line 217, in setup
bpy.context.scene.world.use_nodes = True
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'use_nodes'
@Nikos_ Awesome work! Simple, but very useful. Thank you!
If possible a reflexion strenght ^^
Can you add the ability to change the mapping of the HDR from “Equirectangular” to “MirrorBall” in the properties panel?
thanks very much for sharing this:)
Thanks everyone for your contributions !
@@Marro : I’m very glad you find it useful.
@@comeinandburn : sure thing !
@@Spirou4D : Thanks, man ! You are a real bug digger (is that even english ?) ! I’ll take some time this week-end to cleanup the code.
@@pitiwazou : You can check the updated version. Not sure if the node setup will suit your habits though. Let me know !
With the zip version.
Pour la reflexion, c’était pour la supprimer plutôt que de l’augmenter, je n’ai pas encore pu tester vu le bug que j’ai.
(Oui oui, j’avais oublié de sauver le code avant de le githuber… c’est ballot des fois)
Pour la reflexion, c’était pour la supprimer plutôt que de l’augmenter,
You can increase or decrease the reflexion intensity.
Ok, ça fonctionne !
Je te propose de mettre des valeurs à tes propriétés, genre, 0 en mini et 5 en max pour la reflexion, pour éviter d’avoir des valeurs négatives etc.
Pour afficher ces adjustements, tu devrais avoir le prop cliqué là c’est l’inverse, si il ets cliqué, tout est caché.
En changeant de texture, le prop est dans le bon sens, coché = activé.
Et en décochant le adjustement, ça devrait désactiver les valeurs.
Si il sert juste à afficher les ajustements, tu ne devrais pas utiliser le carré à cliquer mais plus un panel qui s’ouvre.
Un truc qui serait cool, c’est un blur pour la texture
Ensuite ce serait cool d’avoir ces paramètres dans le panel N, ça éviterait de devoir aller dans le panel de rendu.
Bon boulot en tout cas
Merci pour ces conseils, l’ami !
About constraining the values to a limited range, I’d rather not. Sometimes, fun results can be achieved by being silly with numbers
Hehe… the inverse button… you are right. Spirou4D also pointed it out. I am rewriting this piece of crappy code right now.
Blur, very good idea !
Panel N… mh… I think it makes sense to create an HDRI environnement from the world tab ? It has to do with the rendering more than the 3D viewport, no ? Let’s sleep on it and decide later
@@comeinandburn : you can now change the mapping of the HDR from “Equirectangular” to “MirrorBall” (and vice versa).
thanks Nikos_
Purely in the interest of making this a better addon, is it possible to retain settings of “adjustments” when loading new images? To allow the user to test different environments without adjusting everytime. Right now the loading of a new image resets all values to default.
Thanks Nikos,
Hummm, a good road…
Don’t forgot the prefs file in blender config.
@@comeinandburn: Parameters backup or static parameters = great idea!
@@pitiwazou : Blur is interesting but could to be obtained with depth of field too?
i agree with Nikos: “makes sense to create an HDRI environnement from the world tab”
@Nikos : xxxx-master make a loooot of errors on wiki because users don’t remove often “-master”.
@@comeinandburn : Good point ! Now settings are kept when you load an other image but are reset to default when you delete the setup. Also to reset the settings without losing your setup, u can uncheck and check again “adjustments”.
@spirou4D : you are right. I need to check that carefully. When all features will be stabilized, I’ll polish the package.
Hi all,
Update :
Edit :
@pitiwazou : Si il sert juste à afficher les ajustements, tu ne devrais pas utiliser le carré à cliquer mais plus un panel qui s’ouvre.
You are absolutely right. Next thing on the todo list.
I have weird results.
The result is too strong even with 0.5 in strenght and the path dosn’t work, I still have to search in the browser.
Oh yeah, after having fought a bug all morning, I forgot to set back decent values. It should be better now. Also, I just separated the main light source from the ambiant to get a better control.
About the prefs… I’ll see… :eek:
To show you.
And why not put the UI like this ?