[Addon] One click HDRI lighting setup

Yep, your ‘load’ button was better. Thanks for the idea !
Also, I changed the R, G, B for a classic color wheel which has a convenient color picker.

now, I’ll try to figure out why the prefs are working on OSX and not elsewhere…ZZzz that’s the boring part…

Hi Nikos,
Tu vas dire que je pinaille toujours mais “saturation” demande une majuscule, stp Nikos!

Merci pour ta nouvelle version que je n’ai pas encore regardé…


Small update :

  • blur adjustment (requested by pitiwazou), using a great node setup created by b°wide
    (beware, it gets blur very fast. 0.02 is a good begining)

The orientation dosn’t work for me and you should limit the blur to 0.1 maximum to avoid dark renders.

Orientation : me too .

But there are something weird with the blur:
in Solid mode, the background change in depth…but normal may be?
In render mode, no problem really blured!

Is it possible to stay “Visible” option at the end of the name of HDR, please (may be with a eye button).
And below a popup menu with lat/long, + probe, + etc…

Hey Spirou, is it ok like this ?

you should limit the blur to 0.1 maximum to avoid dark renders.

I’m reluctant to patronize users with limits. I’m not here to decide wether or not they can explore numbers. Also when you have a spherical surface that reflects a big part of the sky, even if it’s blur, it will look sharp (big surface projected on a small area), so you need to push up the value.

The issue is if you put 2 to the blur, the render is dark, it’s not normal.

The limit is 1 and I see no issue at this level.

if the limit is 1 why let people put 2 or more ?


You must limit the “Blur” parameter between 0 and 1 in code.
For the standart illumination, i think you must use the default value to 1 for “Main” and use an other node as “addtion” in 2nd node (so addition . addition )
but with clamp absolutly.

EDIT: Je n’avais pas compris ta question au sujet de l’oeil!
Oui un oeil comme ça mais à la suite du nom du fichier hdr quand il est chargé.
Sur la ligne suivante, il y a son nom et en fin de ligne ce bouton.

  • En fait quand il n’y a pas d’image chargée, le bouton oeil est inutile
  • mais si tu as chargé une image, le bouton oeil à la suite est indispensable.

comme ça à la ligne suivante tu peux avoir un paramètre technique sur le type d’HDR (ou LDR aussi), un menu popup avec un texte long comme:

sorry but has something changed recently in blender or the addon that would have broken it?

I leave this addon enabled by default and when I open a new blend file and load an image it gives me the pink hue as though there were no texture loaded.

The node tree is there and looks fine however the preview window is black. When I deleted the “HDRI shortcut” world and add a new Environment texture it works… any ideas?


nevermind, it works now, not sure how :frowning:

Figured it out, somehow I unchecked the visibility. I didn’t even realize it was there :frowning: stc=1


I’m glad you figured it out. Let me know if any other weird behaviors occur !

HDRI-lighting-shortcut - update

  • Fixed 3 bugs
  • Wrote the manual

Download : https://github.com/Nikos-Prinios/HDRI-lighting-Shortcut/archive/master.zip
Manual : https://github.com/Nikos-Prinios/HDRI-lighting-Shortcut/wiki

im getting some issues with the latest build. Love the addon though.

Thanks a lot masterxeon1001 ! Should be ok now. Sorry for the inconvenience. :o

excellent all is well with the world. I cant live without this thing. I love how it loads from the specific folder each time when i want an hdri. very predictable behavior. keep it up.

Thanks for this one :).

Just a thing : you can’t enter negative value for Orientation. Of course, you can reach the result with a positive value but it surprised me at first.

Thanks , for this nice addon , works fine :eyebrowlift2:

I tried with this free HDR : https://www.hdri-hub.com/hdrishop/freesamples/freehdri/item/117-hdr-041-path-free and I can’t get something really usable. Do you think it can be improved or it comes from the HDRi ?