Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Yes, you can use only 1024 symbols in commands. If you need more use external scripts.

Try this code:


Yes, use Confirm Threshold to open sub-pies on mouse over. Note that you need to hold main pie’s hotkey down to open sub-pie.

hi roaoao, it’s possible to insert this comand in the pie menu for enable the tweak mode?

Thanks roaoao… :slight_smile: That’s neat… :slight_smile: But how to i get that to work with a pie menu that is already hardcoded in hardops? Say i wanted to open hardops pie, or maybe group-pro pie menu inside of my own pie?

Are you talking about Tweak hotkeys? Sure you can use them in PME (including keyboard tweak hotkeys) for pie menus without that Realease Confirms option. Pie menus use that option by default when you release the hotkey while your mouse is over one of the pie’s slots.

You can use this code in Command tab:


Will add some user friendly tool to find Pie’s name in the next version (tomorrow).

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What’s New:

How to Update:

  • Backup your pie menus using Export button (optional). 
  • Open User Preferences (ctrl+alt+U). 
  • Go to the Add-Ons tab. 
  • Click 'Install Add-on from File' button, navigate to the file you downloaded and install it. 
  • <b>Restart Blender.</b>
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wow! Cool, thank you ever so much. :slight_smile:

Heya, I have a pme macro which does:

#store pivot mode
stored_pivot_mode = bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point

#change pivot mode to 3d cursor
bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = ‘CURSOR’

bpy.ops.transform.rotate(‘INVOKE_DEFAULT’, True)

#restore pivot mode
bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = stored_pivot_mode

It works fine, but if I cancel the rotate it never restores the pivot mode, is there a way to brute force it back to the stored?

Hi, try to restore the pivot mode in the 3rd slot:

bpy.ops.transform.rotate('INVOKE_DEFAULT', True); bpy.context.space_data.pivot_point = stored_pivot_mode

You are a genius, thank you yet again :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey roaoao and everyone dropping by!
First of all, thank you ever so much for PME, it’s a lifechanger for me.
There’s only one thing I’m missing right now, and I’ve dug through like 40 pages,
but sadly couldn’t find any answers to my particular question…(Sorry if its already been answered previously!)

Is there a way in PME to make a single button have multiple functions based on modifier keys held down?
You know, much like in Wazou’s Addons!

Thank you for your time and continued contributions to the Blender community!

Hey roaoao,
first of all thanks a lot for PME - it’s a lifechanger for me.
I checked a bunch of pages of this thread but unfortunately couldn’t find an answer to my question (sorry if it’s already been answered)

Is it possible to have a button perform a different action based on modifier keys held down?
Like, simply clicking on it mirrors on X, and shift clicking mirrors on Y?
You know, much like in wazou’s rmb menu.

Thanks for your time and continued contribution to the blender community!

Hello! Is it possible to add hotkey to scrpit “local view”

Hi! I have 3 different trouble. I`m not sure what is PME. 1. My workspace try to split area appear line then i work. 2 Misstake “Can only scale region size from an action zone” 3. Сreate new duplicate area. I think need delete same hotkey but not understand what kind. Then i delete split mistake (2) spam everywhere

I’m sure there’s a smarter way in doing this but this works for me.

Just built a menu to jump directly into edit mode for VERT, EDGE or FACE. Thanks PIE Edit Menu

I don’t understand why you are using a script, just use:

bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=‘EDIT’, toggle=False); bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(type=‘VERT’)

in pie menu editor, also for a faster workflow consider using a pie menu just using gestures for something you will be using so ofter, i.e
flick left for verts, flick up for edges and flick right for polys. that way it is one click and muscle memory will take care of the rest.


Please don’t take this the wrong way. Because I’m not smart like you, I said at the start “I’m sure there’s a smarter way in doing this but this works for me”. Thanks for the advice.

Where would I insert your line of code? Into the command of a “Popup”?

Don’t like gestures, it’s been a source of tendon strain. That’s why I hate drop down menus regardless of auto rollover.

thanks, mick

Sorry I worded it badly, I meant there may have been something I wasn’t understanding about your menu, but yeah
put it in the command for the popup, It just saves time making individual scripts if you use ; to separate a few lines of code.
Obviously if its really complicated code then thats where scripts come in handy :slight_smile:

Hi everyone! I think we already talked about this but I can not find the post… I want to connect 2 vertices quickly, ok? With one selected, I want click on another vertex (with Shift + OSKey pressed for example) and automatically join them.

I think we found the way long ago but now I can not reproduce that solution, any help??


PD: It would be nice if this could work with edges and faces too, like the bridge commands does. Don´t you think???

Hi, you can import macro_operators.json file, find Connect 2 Vertices macro and change the hotkey.
It works in all modes. Move the mouse over the first vertex, press and hold down the hotkey, move the mouse over the second vertex and release the hotkey.


I appreciate this is early days on blender 2.8 but are the toolbars supposed to work on that version as I find they crash most of the time, pie menus all seem ok. BTW congrats on best addon ever for blender…

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