[Addon] Points cloud Delaunay triangulation & Voronoi diagram

interesting, what error do you have?
I have it working in 2.74,
I might have changed something in the bl_info, maybe category add…

I mean it does not load at all.
When u install addon from file, it appears in the panel, alone, all u have to do is to check the box.
When I choose this BlenderGIS-master.zip all I see instead of that is all-addons list. Usually it happens when archive is broken, file is incomplete etc.


Install from file doesn’t work with zip from github because the zip contains a main folder that parent the files. So unzip it and copy paste the files that are inside the main folder directly into blender addon folder.

Oh, thanks

Looks like triangulation works as project to Z axis. It’s ok with some terrain, but what about more complex point clouds (house, statue)? Is it possible to make it full 3D someday?

nop it’s just for terrain modelling in “2.5D”, triangulation in true 3d is much more complex task and out of my scope & goal sorry


Yes no problem, the main code is already not from me as you noticed in the copyright section.

It is still cool)