[Addon] QuickPie

I really like the new Pie Menus functionality. So I added some additional Pies which are easy to reach and improve the modeling and sculpting speed.

Introduction video:

The keys are mapped for fast and easy access.

Spacebar – Most important
Q – Secondary
X – Fast delete options

To have the full spectrum of options in the quick pie menus add the following add-ons:

BSurfaces (integrated in blender)
LoopTools (integrated in blender)
BoolTool 0.2 (https://github.com/vitorbalbio/code/tree/master/BoolTool)

You can download the Add-On from GitHub.

More information at:


Please never let this downgrade by at least about 10 years … rsrs

This looks great.

Can we pin the tool option window somehow? I want to navigate the 3d viewport while the tool option are still in front.

That would be great! But not that I know of…

Hello, love this addon, by the way, I have the latest version of Blender with all the other addons that are need it to this one to run but the “X” is not working, no pie menu for X.

This is really cool! It seems improves and extends the use of Pie Menus, that I usually don’t like too much.
Working with extended viewport is really fine. But usually you need other areas to work on modifiers or object properties. I wonder if it is possible to make othe areas or properties or settings appear in floating panel like you do in the video. For example, to change the settings of a modifier or things like that without the need of a separate area in the screen.

This is awesome… but i REALLY wish you didn’t bind options to Q, blocking the already awesome camera control pie menu, otherwise i’d be using this. I might try and modify it and find a less used key for the Q menus though.

Hi! After install add-on, i can’t find it on the list :frowning:

I can’t get this to install with 2.73, it shows up as a .py file, but won’t install.

OK, managed to get it installed by downloading the zip and extracting that.