[Addon] Ragdoll Tools

This addon makes ragdoll generating easier.

It is available on Blender Market:



  • Generating hitboxes from meshes

  • Generating hitboxes from bones

  • Connecting existing objects to bones as hitboxes
  • Copying animation from hitboxes to bones and back
  • Tools for mass editing rigid body and rigid body constraints settings
  • All created rigs are non-destructive and can be easily deleted
  • All tools are packed in a pie menu and don’t clutter up any panels

Ragdoll Tools just got updated :grinning:

New in version 1.1:

  • Scaling generated hitboxes
  • Deleting related rigid body constraints while deleting hitboxes

Also i’ve made rigid body constraints limits visual ,but this feature i decided to move in another addon .

And here are some better videos about Ragdoll Tools

Update :innocent:

New in version 1.2:

  • Generating hitboxes from mesh

  • All to all pattern for creating rigid body constraints

  • Constraint generation are faster now
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When I wanna generate hitboxes for a rigify character hitboxes are only get generated for the ears and toes. Any solution for this?

Try to unhide all bone layers

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I did but nothing changes. Wait nvm. It worked thanks!

I have a new issue when generating all constraints:

Update the addon.
Version 1.3.1 should fix this problem

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How did I miss the update? Nvm this works now, thank you soo much!

Hint for everyone else: It’s not enough to just make bones visible in the rigify menu (Rig Layers: the one on the left) you have actually make them all visible in the armature properties. The “green running guy”.

I unchecked only the ik ones afterwards.

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I’ve already asked on BlenderMarket, but try here also, because I need the answer quickly.
What I need is rigid body to be simulated when simulated mesh is a part of animated armature. Is that possible with this addon?

I have a Samurai character, which have moving armor parts, I like to simulate the parts to the movements of the character. Is that possible? Normally I doubt it is, was testing with no success.


So you want to do something like that
Am i right?


Thank You for answer. Yes, but not via shape keys, but via bones. Attaching some images.

Textured model, to see better the armor parts:

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For the following approach it doesn’t matter.

At first ,create setup like this

Then select 3 vertices of the body mesh

and parent helper to the body using Ctrl P → Vertex(triangle)

Also,i recommend to create a low poly proxies for the body and armor plates and use them in the simulation.

As you can see,you don’t need Ragdoll Tools right now,
but this addon may be useful when you gonna tweak rigid body constraints.

Nice scene,by the way :innocent:

Thank You very much. I will give it a try tomorrow, and inform about the results, or ask for help :slight_smile:
I anyway need the tools for something else, but first I need to tackle that problem.

Hi again,

Sadly it doesn’t work. I mean, it worked on a test file, it is working on the proper file with character and armor, but when I parent HELPER to the animated mesh (vertex parent to 3 vertices), which is character body, everything gets crazy. Then I add another object, and first parent the helper to it, then the additional object to animated mesh. Better, but it doesn’t collide well.

Can I send blend file to investigate? I really need this, or I need to know it’s not possible in Blender. Can You please help?

Attaching the file if You will be willing to help. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Xvk6ra5qhjBNwPut9BldaEqWIzzU6JA5

I’ll try to come up with some solution soon

i’ve slightly modified the original setup,and also tried a ragdoll solution.
Must say that i encountered strange problem with armor plates, so i joined their meshes to the new objects to fix it,don’t know what was wrong with them


Thank You, will take a look, and inform You. Really kind from You to take Your time and investigate :slight_smile:

Continuing the discussion from [Addon] Ragdoll Tools:

I just got the addon
when i generate hitboxes some bones don’t get hitboxes and they stay gray (not green )
so in the simulation they are disconnected from the armature …
attached some photos)

any idea whats going on ?
tnx a lot

Try to make hitboxes for these bones with different Threshold value.
Also,you can generate them from bones or connect any object as hitbox,like in this video

is there a way to attach a controller point that the entire ragdoll can follow or hang onto (similar to a hangman effect)? For example in this image when the animation plays i kind of want to me make the ragdoll hang onto this empty control point, and can move dynamically if the control point also moves. If anyone can share any wisdom on how that works theoretically.