Addon similar to UV Highlight for 2.80?

Yes, it works.

Yes, it works! Thank you

So I can see it “working” in 2.82… but only if you select all the faces? Also only works in Sync Mode I think?

I wish Blender would just re-do all this, and not have 2 modes, just 1 and so on. But we might not see any real deeper UV updates for who knows how long.

what does it do ?
can you give a render example of this fake effect ?

happy bl

I used the addon on blender 2.8 but noticed that it prevents the autosaves from working. As soon as I desactivate it, everythings work fine.

I installed it the other day and it seemed to work as advertised. However, it causes a serious bug in the latest version (2.83.2) and 2.90 Alpha. If I add an object, modify it in edit mode and press CTRL-Z, the program crashes. As soon as I disabled the addon, there was no issue. Anyone else having this problem?

Yes I have been having a lot of crashes due to UV Highlight addon. Not only with CTRL+Z but also when coming out of Edit mode or when I change a parameter in the bottom left panels like the one that appears when you bevel an edge.

Is there a stack trace for the crash?

And if you go into Blender’s experimental preferences and turn on the old style undo system does the crash still happen?

I get this error, vlc_GNduLnKSTe

I tried with Legacy Undo too, still the same.

I can reproduce it 100% of the time when I enter in edit mode with default cube selected, I bevel one edge and start increasing and decreasing the segments from the operator. Blender crashes to desktop while doing that or immediately after exiting edit mode. Additionally it seems that ever time I change the bevel segments I see this in the console, don’t know if it is strange,

Happens in 2 different computers but with the same settings.

API has changed, replace that line with:
objects = [ o for o in context.scene.objects if o.select_get()]

I’d spend time converting that add-on to 2.9 if I knew I would use it, but as far as I remember, it blocked the autosave which for me is a no-no.

Thanx but now I get this .

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\kkostovas\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\uv_highlight\", line 352, in depsgraph_handler
    if self.can_skip_depsgraph(update):
  File "C:\Users\kkostovas\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\uv_highlight\", line 327, in can_skip_depsgraph
    active_objects = self.get_active_objects()
  File "C:\Users\kkostovas\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\uv_highlight\", line 109, in get_active_objects
    objects = [ o for o in context.scene.objects if o.select_get()]
NameError: name 'context' is not defined

objects = [ o for o in bpy.context.scene.objects if o.select_get()]

My bad, I haven’t looked at the code.

No worries, the traceback message is gone thank you.

The crash though seems to be persistent. Will try with a clean portable install and report back.

I’ll have a quick look at your crashes.
@kkostovas I can’t even get the add-on to work, are you using 2.91?

I am using 2.83.9 at the moment. Thank you @chafouin but if its too much work, it’s ok, no need to update.

This is my first addon to Blender.
This is an addon to Blender which helps with UV unwrapping. It is FREE!

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That versions does nothing in bl2.83 no error, booleans show up, but toggling them doesnt do anything and neither an error

Did anyone found a new addon that works similar to UV Highlight for the latest versions? Would be really helpful indeed. Thanks!

addon have a strange behavior with UV maps