Addon Suggestion. auto load texture slots.

ok, first of all apologies for the ‘please can i have this’ appearance of this post.
but i think this genuinely is a good idea and i don’t have the python knowledge to make it myself.
so this is actually the sharing of an idea, not a call for someone else to do work for me. with that outta the way…

I often find myself creating lots of very similar materials with multiple texture maps.
in most cases it would be something like–>

so then i do the settings for each of the maps etc.
so now i need a ‘concrete7’ material… so i copy brickwall one… make all the textures unique… load the new maps.

so its not exactly major hassle… but it would be nice if i could simply tell blender i want a material like ‘brickwall1’ and the diffuse map is ‘concrete7_diff’ and blender could now to load ‘concrete7_spec’ and ‘concrete7_nor’ into the other slots by finding them in the same folder…
did i explain that well/ok?
basically its not bad the way we can do it now, but if you need to load 40 materials and they all have a diffuse, spec, normal, bump, alpha, displacement map set… its not fun…