[Addon] UltiMaze - Artistic Custom Maze Generation

Here’s the current Blend file :slight_smile:

city.blend (3.6 MB)

I’m thinking the best way to get this flexibility in UltiMaze without cluttering the UI would be to have the ability to pick a geometry nodes setup to apply to walls automatically and have it handle joining all the wall objects and auto-adding your geo nodes.

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Thanks to Bart over at Blender Nation for the article post!

Long time maze fan going all the way back to The Maze Books. Even looked at Elfnor’s (Svercok) Mazemaker.

Bought it. Haven’t tried it yet, but looking forward to it.



Thank you! And wow! You might be able to teach me a thing or two about mazes! I’m looking forward to seeing what you make with it!

I love mazes too, I wrote the original layout generation code for this add-on when I was like 14 years old and at the time it just drew a maze with ‘#’ in a console using a depth-first algorithm. Fast forward 10 years and now I’m a full-time software engineer with a CS degree…but it literally all started with mazes.

This morning Rob over at Blender Nation requested the ability to block off a central part of the maze to have a custom object there and be able to generate a maze around it. I started working on it first with depth-first search and I’ve got the basic concept coded. Hoping to get a working model uploaded after work today.


Now this is interesting… this makes the maze generator much more useful if you want to make, say, labyrinths from Breath of the Wild :thinking:

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:slight_smile: So if you want similar to this, then you can do that with using the image conversion tools (just need a pixel by pixel B/W image). Not 100% sure how the tiling tools would handle thick walls, but if there’s issues, I can correct it

You’d then scale that down and make it B/W something like this (doesn’t show up well here because the image viewer interpolates, but if you download it, it should work):


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Here it is with tiles:

And regular bmesh generation

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That’s awesome, wow. Keep up the good work!


Nice, and thanks for the quick response with this extra functionality.


Lookd at the default maze generated and am wondering:

Are maze borders possible?

How about variable start and end: left, right, center, top or bottom (edge) points? Or a center of maze end point?

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Looks like good ideas! Some of the algorithms available don’t support that, but that’s definitely possible with depth-first and breadth-first algorithms. But, for example, Eller’s made be hard to adapt: http://www.neocomputer.org/projects/eller.html

Maze borders have now been added - go grab the update from Gumroad or Blender Market :slight_smile:


Hi! Hope all is going well?

  1. Just wondering how feasible it might be to have a v4 compatible version? Or what timeframe that might look like for this AMAZING addon :sunglasses:
  2. I was also wondering if we can create symmetrical mazes (I haven’t got my laptop with me and it’s been ages since I’ve been in blender)… ie quadrants or diagonals, etc.