[Addon] UniV


Blender Addon for UV Editor which aims to cover all sorts of operators for working with UV

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There is much more to UniV operators than you might think at first glance.
Many operators are context-dependent, for example, on Sync state, selection mode (Verts, Edge, Face and Islands), as well as on pressed Ctrl, Shift, Alt (CSA) keys and combinations thereof.

That is, before pressing the LMB button press CSA, then other modes of the operator are called. And these modifications are subject to a certain logic, which in most cases works:

  • Ctrl - To Cursor for transform or Deselect for select
  • Alt - Alternative operation that is fundamentally different from the default.
  • Shift - Individual, Inplace for transform or Extend for select

But you don’t have to use the CSA keys, because a panel appears in the lower left corner where you can change the properties

Also, the addon doesn’t impose its hotkeys on you, but you can easily enable them in Settings->Extensions->UniV->Keymaps. But some operators due to their specificity can be called only through keymaps (QuickSnap, SplitUVToggle, SyncUVToggle).


Quick Snap - allows you to transform an island or geometry elements by Vertex, Edge Center and Face Center. There are two methods of calling the operator via the keys:

  • V - quick start, the nearest transformation element is selected immediately
  • Alt+V - here you can safely select the necessary element and change the modes to Island or Element mode


Stack - overlap islands with similar geometry:


Weld - [W] connects selected vertices by common vertexes, if there is nothing to connect, it works as Stitch

  • Alt+Weld Button - connect by distance

Stitch - [Shift+W] connects islands to each other, preserving the islands’ proportions. When called via keymap with sync enabled, the target island becomes the closest:

  • Alt - finds all common island edges that have at least one face selected, and connects through them.


Unwrap - differs from the built-in operator in that it unwrap inplace.

Relax - combination of minimize stretch and unwrap borders.

Cut - [C] - sets mark seams by border selection and at the same time expands the island

Quadrify - [E] align selected UV to rectangular distribution

Straight - [Shift+E] straighten selected edge-chain and relax the rest of the UV Island

Sort - sorts islands, also aligns for more compactness.

  • Axis - default is auto, which gives double priority to width, from the original boundary box
  • Reverse - sorting by Increasing
  • Orient - aligns the islands, making the sorting as compact as possible
  • Overlapped - saves overlaps of islands
  • Subgroups - creates subgroups of sorted islands by type

Distribute - similar to Sort, but the goal is to arrange the islands evenly according to the original position

  • Spase - creates an even distance between the pivots of the islands
  • Break - divides islands by angle, by Mark Seams, Mark Sharps, Material ID

Crop - proportional tile filling

Fill - it is similar in everything with Crop, but without preserving the proportions

Orient - orients islands along the axes, maximally filling the area according to the boundbox. In a 3D viewport, it .

Orient3D - orients islands according to world coordinates.

Align - straightens, moves islands or vertices, places a 2D cursor on bound boxes, etc.

Random - randomly transforms islands to break down repetitive patterns.

Linked - [Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Scroll] - Select Linked

Cursor - Select by Cursor

Border - Select border edges

Border by Angle - Select border edges by angle from 2D

Inner - Select inner edges by mark sharps, angle

Square - Select square, horizontal or vertical island

SyncUVToggle - [~] toggle sync mode with element selection preserve

SplitUVToggle - [Shift+T] open, close, toggle UV or 3D View area


This might be one off the most impressive and polished UV Addon I seen in a long time! Great job! Its very well needed, and this add-on has a lot of nice stuff!

Just bought a copy to support the development!

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This looks really good! :clap: :clap:

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Thanks for the support.

Glad that you noted the ergonomics of the addon, I tried to make everything as compact as possible and that nothing is not annoying (especially hotkeys, although there is a bug with the Align operator that uses arrows, but they are already busy for animation and for some reason more specialized for the current window hotkeys have a low priority).

Plus the addon uses more efficient functions for transforming, calculating islands, etc. I compared the speed of my Stack operator with the Stack operator from RizomUV, it turned out that my operator is 5 times faster, even though Rizom uses C++ and I use Python (who doesn’t know Python is 40-80 times slower).

I have about 90 more ideas in my TODO, so this addon aims to be the best one yet

PS. Thanks for supporting Modifier List :slight_smile:


I love the fact that a add-on developers focus not only on usability, but also on performance! I tested some of the functions and compared them to existing add-ons, and you are doing great so far!

I have come across so many add-ons for Blender that could be made literally up to 1000x faster with just some small code changes. At this point, it’s just getting ridiculous how little many people seem to care about the performance of their code.

I honestly cannot wait for the future of the add-on! Also, it’s so nice and very generous that it’s also, or very soon available, on the extension platform as well!

It’s going to honestly make Blender so much easier to recommend since there will be an awesome free UV tool available in a few clicks. Just hope enough people are willing to support the project!

Addon approved on Blender Extension, now you can download directly from the program


Is there any difference from the free license to the buyable?

There is no difference between the paid and free version, you can use for free, and if you want to support the development of the addon at any time


thank you very much.
Very generous.

It seems that some features are really useful.