[Addon] Wazou's Pie Menus

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChameleonScales/Blender-individual-icons/master/PNG-16x16/ICON_MOD_FLUIDSIM.pnghttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChameleonScales/Blender-individual-icons/master/PNG-32x32/ICON_MESH_MONKEY.pnghttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChameleonScales/Blender-individual-icons/master/PNG-16x16/ICON_MOD_FLUIDSIM.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChameleonScales/Blender-individual-icons/master/PNG-16x16/ICON_BACK.png Sad Suzanne
The RMB Pie menu link is still 404 (not that it’s a problem for me).

hi, in the 3d viewport pies, I’ve done a redesign of the sculpt pies which is now only 1 menu with no sub pies.
also worth a mention is the new Sculpt/Paint brush addon fresh in release today, it has most all sculpt settings in 1 menu & adjustable brush icon size in addons preferences. (Alt/v hotkey in sculpt & all paint modes)

Note both addons are in nightly builds from tomorrow

Thanks ! I’ll try that. Also in the mean time I realized you could simply Alt+W to directly show all the brushes in the pie.

Note both addons are in nightly builds from tomorrow

So welcome back from the future ! If you go back there, download 2.8 and bring it here ! It will save a lot of effort.

man you can do anything with blender icons.

Yes but you removed all the good stuff of my pie so I don’t use yours !!! muhaahhahahaa ^^

So I tried the new add-on. It’s cool to have the big icons but I don’t find the dropdown menu as handy as a direct access to the brushes through a pie menu, especially considering the brushes are in the second submenu. Also I find the options like Radius and Strength quite useless and cluttering since we have F and Shift+F for that, which is more interactive.
But maybe we could use the code for the big icons to have them in Pitiwazou’s Pie menu ?
BTW it seems Pitiwazou you missed my previous message saying the RMB Pie menu is still 404 in the OP.

You have the links in my signature ^^

Can you show me a screenshot with the new big icons please ?

I started a V2 of my pie menus with better tools and simpler pies.

Ok I see it !


About the links it’s not for me, I know where your repository is, but I think it’s best to keep the OP up to date for new comers.

To display the icons in big size you have to uncheck “Use compact menus for brushes” in the User Prefs under the add-on.

I’m eager to see your V2 !

The icons are not in big size, it’s just the preview of the brush, so 2 clicks, it’s not really great.

I will update the rmb post !

I use this add-on very frequently.
this add-on is mandatory to use Blender.
thank good job.

So I see the github link but it’s just a text file, how do I install this?

RMB on RAW, save as, use .py as extention.

Thx Bookyakuno :wink:

Hey guys, I’m working on the 2.8 version of my pie menus.
You can find them on Gumroad, it’s free :wink:


thank you. that’s pretty good addon

Thank you!
Much appreciated!
Your Pie Menus were an essential part of my blender experience.

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Just started playing with this, and there is a function I’ll change on my end (I used to have this since your early versions of WazouPies). Just throwing it out there in case you feel like you could use this yourself and want to integrate it into the Pies.

It’s regarding XRay functionality.
I usually remember what XRay mode I was, regardless of weather I’m in EditMode or ObjectMode. And if I am in ObjectMode and know I need to toggle XRay when I go into EditMode, I like to have a ‘smart’ toggle.

Here’s a Copy/Paste of the code I had.

class ClassXraySlct(Operator):
    bl_idname = "class.limittovis"
    bl_label = "Class Limit to Visible"
    bl_description = "Limit to Visible Toggle"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}

    def execute(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        if bpy.context.object.mode == "OBJECT":
        elif bpy.context.object.mode == "EDIT":
        return {'FINISHED'}

Just suggesting, in case you like the idea. I’m already changing it on my end :slight_smile:

Humm, can you show me the result of this, why do you want to go in Edit mode by pressing Xray?
On 2.8 there is an xray in object mode.

I want to end up in EditMode and toggle XRay regardless of weather I’m in Edit or ObjectMode.
This saves one xtra call to the PieMenu.

Case scenario:
I know I was in XRay OFF previously.
I’m in ObjectMode
I call up the Pie and go XRay
It will bring me into EditMode and toggle XRay

BTW as I was integrating this code realised something might be off, I have to look into this further, worked on my old Pie setup

Ok, I understand, but like I said, there is an xray monde in object mode now.
We could use smart tools with shift, ctrl and alt, I will test if they removed the limitation from 2.79.

Yeah, considering the new behaviour of XRay makes sense what you’re saying.
Disregard my comments :slight_smile: