[AddOn] Window Generator 2

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simply awesome, thanks for the update.
& thank you for the great translation & new ui :slight_smile:

i using this addon for my architecture works and the missing one is door generator.
Have an idea to create Door generator addon?

What a COOL idea! This could be really useful. Thank you for making this!
(By any chance, can this make a LOT of windows? Windows for skyscrapers? Windows for giant starships…?)

Hey I just wanted to chime in to say that this script is flippin awesome. I’m using it more and more nowadays.

One request though, is it possible to add the option of rotating the window?

Eg. When the want to place a window on the side of a building, you frequently get this problem:

It’d be really handy if there was an option to rotate the window or even change it’s axis.

If it had that then it would increase in functionality x2 :slight_smile:

Anyway, thanks again DragonLee. It’s super handy.

Ah cool. So you’re plan is to make it so that you can change the objects parameters later on? Like instead of the options being visible just after you create it, you could have it available always? If so that would be reallly handy.

How do you install a script like this?

I have no clue of what I’m doing wrong, but I can’t seem to get the window generator as a file, if I click on the link it just opens up another tab wich contains some scripting. I work on a mac, how do you save this as a file to install with the user preferences button? I searched on the internet, but everybody just has addons as files, and then they intall them.

I hope someone can help me?

thank you for this script, If there only were more such advanced tools :slight_smile:

Just watched Andrew Price’s tutorial that uses this addon, it is not working in Blender version 2.67.1 r57981 but is working in 2.66 versions. When will you update for 2.68?

I should point out that it “works” but the options are grayed out and inactive so I can’t change parameters.

coming soon

I love this script. Thank you.
I have an empty closet and I shall build a shrine in your honor in there and force my children to worship it weekly.

DragoneLEE, the problem with the addon is not your problem, it was a corrupted startup.blend file. Second time this year my startup got bungled. Nice to see just how this is modifiable. Thanks.

hello every body,
I do not find the add-on “window generator” for blender
I find the script which content some scripting and so I cannot install it.
I try with the text editor and when I run the script there is error.
where is the add-on adress which is install from user preferences ?
I hope someone can help me?
thank you in advance


Wow, that is a timesaver, thanks very much for sharing your work.

Awesome Work!
It should be implement in the next blender build.

amazing addon, thanks, but i got a problem? when i run the script the addon works, but i cant seem to find a way to save it for the next start-up of blender… i tried to press “save start-up file” after i run the script but it just isnt there the next time i open blender. How do i install it permanently

To install this script for later re-use I did the following.
Download script and open in a text editor - Notepad or whatever
Save file in Blender directory under 2.68/python/lib directory inside blender- I saved it as add_Window.py
open blender
open user preferences
Goto add-on tab
at the bottom of the add-on tab look for “install-from-file” button
This brings up a file browser and you have to find your way to your blender install directory /python/lib
select the add_Window.py file
When you have the file selected hit the install from file button in the top right corner.
Now type window in the search bar at the top left of the add-ons it should list the add-on in the main window. make sure you enable the add-on here.
Then hit the save user settings button in the bottom left corner.

Not sure browser your using but if you right click or equivalent on Mac and do save as or save link as then save it on your hard disk then you can load it into Blender as normal.

Nice stuff! This is super helpful for AV.