[Addon - WIP] AutoSnap for auto FK/IK switch

Hi all,

Here is a quick sneakpeek of an addon I’m working on.
With this addon, you can add a FK/IK switch without any line of python, and more :

  • Snapping FK/IK
  • Auto Switch FK/IK, with Keyframe insertion
  • Auto switch layers FK / IK
  • Auto insert keyframes on FK and IK limbs.
    More info on [http://BleRiFa.com


I look forward to trying it out!

Looks Great man!, It’s awesome that you built a customizable IKFK switch!

Hi all,

Thanks :slight_smile:

Development is quite finished, but I need lots of tests to be sure that Addon will work in most IK/FK system (and there is a lot). If you want to help, don’t hesitate to share (in PM if you don’t want your rig to be public) your setup: I will try the addon on it.

Here is a list of setup I want to test (this list will be updated) :

  • Rigify (tested : OK)
  • Rigify pitchipoy (to be tested)
  • BlenRig (to be tested)

This is exactly what the doctor ordered! :smiley:
I mostly use rigify, but it’s great to see that this addon will work regardless of the rigging system used.

Can’t wait to try it out! Thank you very much!

Hi all,
Some quick updates :
Currently developing a way to use bone transformations to switch betwwen FK/IK (instead of bone property)

More information here : http://blerifa.com/2016/09/14/summer-dev-update/


Hi Julien, any updates regarding the auto snap addon?

Hi fcis999,

I made a presentation at Blender Conference about all my BleRiFa addons :

Regarding development of this AutoSnap addon, I’m currently testing it. There is still some work to perform on it. There is no public beta version for now.
Currently developping some changes to make it work with a particular rig that was sent to me.


Sounds very promising! Looking forward to testing as soon as I can :smiley: