[AddOn] xNormal 3.18.1 import-export - Updated 7/6/13

Oh haha I meant I need to try to make an xNormal plugin that’ll work with GIMP 2.8, I wasn’t suggesting you volunteer for that! :wink:

I’ll take a look at your batch file. Yes, xNormal can be driven by the console, that’s how I’m doing it with this addon, in fact. It only takes certain arguments via command line, though. Like I don’t believe you can start the photo to normal map converter or height to AO converter via command line, and so forth.

I could be wrong. Would be AWESOME if I was wrong!

Hi all, I’ve actually added something to the import operator, the newest version will actually map AO/cavity/normal/vertex color maps (once I get vertex colors working…) to the lowpoly object in Blender Internal. If anyone wants that functionality, I can post the new version.

I didn’t know if this would be one of those, “Man, I wish it would stop doing that” things, though. :smiley:

Had to remove the _0.2 from the file name in order to click the check box to activate the addon.

Oh my bad, I didn’t realize that was a limitation. I’ve fixed that.

Minor update, but what I think will probably be a pretty useful one: I’ve added file browsing functionality for the output file path and xNormal executable path.

Just keep working on it man, it´s pretty useful for game developing, a speed boost indeed, thanks!

Thanks, I’m glad it’s helping you! By the way, I looked at your portfolio and I must say I would REALLY like to see a screen capture of you at work on a character. Ever thought about doing that? Even a timelapse? :smiley: The SF Soldier and Battle Mech are amazing.

My bad, I keep uploading it without removing the icon = ‘XNORMAL’ line in the buttons. Sorry if that’s causing anyone any errors loading it, that’s an icon I added myself to my own builds. I’ve updated the script again.

Thanks for the comments man, i appreciate someone like my work :slight_smile:
In reference of above, i´ve little time to spend on personal projects right now, because of my work, but actually i´m doing a timelapse of some monster thing that i plan to release, but not soon i think…
Tomorrow i have some bake time, i´ll check your last version and will comment here my thoughts, thanks!

Awesome, let me know if anything breaks. Vertex colors still don’t work yet, I can’t figure out why.

To all - By the way, I realized that if I use the .ply export instead of .obj, then I can remove the limitation of having to have all the objects on visible layers at the time of export. But let me know what you think - is this ideal? Are there any good reasons to use .obj for export rather than .ply, or is this totally moot?

I’ve never come across a reason I couldn’t just as easily use .ply, but maybe someone else has?

Hello Joel, i´m tired after many hours today, but your work deserves some time, here goes my feedback :

Bugs i´ve found :

-In the addon code, you have a “icon = XNORMAL” thing wrong, with that buttons to export, import or launch xNormal doesn´t appear, simply modify the “XNORMAL” word with any of names for icons on blender or erase it, i don´t know if there´s something here i´m ignoring?

Features i´m missing :

-Enable the popup window with realtime view of the tiles when xNormal it´s rendering for feedback

-Enable to choose the renderer within optix, bucket or openRL renderers

-Enable file overwriting option to be on/off

-Enable setup and execute ray distance calculator tool, for previously refine, it´s often important to get less artifacts, i think it´s a difficult one but who knows…

Edit : ...And obj vs ply debate, ply it´s rarely used in my workflow, i can´t say by other people, but if obj rarely fail, having ply as an export option as a plus will be wellcome for me.

Oh man, i´m zombie by now, obj format doesn´t support vertex colors, that´s why you can´t get it to work, ply can support vertex colors, so you can manage to export on ply format when the user want to bake vertex colors, on the background or may him decide with a nice checkbox :wink:

This addon for me it´s a must, please keep it working because it´s a valuable time saver IMHO, thanks :wink:

I can’t see “use external cage file” option - without this it’s useless to me (a least for normal maps baking).

I’ll try to fix that soon, I remember running into some confusion but I can’t remember now why that wasn’t included.

@JordiArt - yeah, I’m sorry, I keep forgetting to take out the icon statements. I build Blender myself, and I’ve added XNORMAL icons for this script to show the xNormal logo in the UI. I’ll try to get to those changes and updates soon. Got a crazy week ahead, but after that I should have some time.

@veti - I’ve added an option for selecting cage files : https://bitbucket.org/ohsnapitsjoel/io_xnormal/src I don’t know how to use this feature, so I can’t test it. Could you please report any bugs regarding that option?

@JordiArt - a couple things:
-how do I enable the popup view? I’m not sure I’m even familiar with that.
-Actually, the renderer choice is saved as a default in xNormal, I’m not sure I can change that in the .xml file. ie, it doesn’t default to bucket renderer, it saves your last choice for the next time you open xNormal.
-Do you mean file overwrite as in being able to choose whether to re-export/overwrite the meshes that are being exported? Or something else?
-What’s the ray distance calculator tool? You’re obviously much more familiar with xNormal’s tools than I am :slight_smile:

-the addon’s also now on bitbucket.
-I’ve temporarily disabled .obj export and enabled .ply export as a default. .ply export allows the meshes to be on separate layers in Blender, and apparently also allows vertex colors to export (though I’m still having trouble getting that to work properly). I can’t figure out why, but suddenly I’m having trouble with the .obj export operator… .ply, on the other hand, works just fine.
-New option to overwrite / re-export meshes.

Don’t know why but I can’t install newest version - nothing happens (installing from Blender and manual coping file to script folder).

Hmm, that’s strange. I just downloaded Blender 2.67b official and was able to enable it, on Windows 7 64-bit. Are you getting any errors in the console when you try to enable it?

I am getting error:
“Fake module: addon missing ‘bl_info’ gives bad performance!: ‘C:\Users\VeTi\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\2.67\scripts\addons\io_xnormal.py’”

Tested on different computers with official 2.67b.

Hmm, I’m suddenly getting reports like this after moving my projects to bitbucket. What did you do to get the script from bitbucket?

Can you do me a favor, open up io_xnormal.py in a generic text editor? Do a CTRL+F text search for the text “bl_info”. If it’s not in there, then the script isn’t intact.

“What did you do to get the script from bitbucket?” - just clicked on link in your first post :slight_smile:
I’ve searched this script and there is one “bl_info” in it.

@veti - I guess what I meant is, did you click on the script on that page, click on “Raw” to view the raw text, copy and paste the text of the script into a blank text file, and save it as io_xnormal.py? Or did you go to “Downloads” -> “Branches” and download it as a zip file?

I ask because if I do it either one of those ways, I’m able to enable the addon without any errors.