In relation to this post, there is a problem still with some addons appearing across Modes where the addon is not intended for use
I got some time to try and track an addon that is messing up my TABs in the toolshelf by appearing in all Modes. The first issue was to track the culprit and see weather it’s something I had downloaded and installed, or if it was a Contrib. This makes a lot of difference in how I’m gonna resolve the issue.
It turns out it’s a Contrib Addon.
So, the question is, how do I get Commit Rights for Addons Contrib, so I can fix it once for good?
Or, if there’s someone with Commit Rights that would volunteer to fix it?
The Addon in question is “addons_contrib\mesh_extra_tools”
I’ve added 2 lines to the “” file.
The same line was added in 2 places: bl_context = ‘mesh_edit’
into: class ExtrasPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
and class ExtrudePanel(bpy.types.Panel):
Note that the “Multi Extrude Plus” tool that comes with the mesh extra tool addon is used and work good in object -AND- in edit mode , it’s very good.
So if you add a bl_context = ‘mesh_edit’ , in class ExtrudePanel(bpy.types.Panel):
You’re removing the object mode functionality for the Multi Extrude Plus, while it’s perfectly OK if you prefer to not have that functionality personnaly, editing it for everyone is a big no in my opinion, as it’s useful.
mib2berlin . Thanks, I wasn’t aware prior to actually following the link that reporting addons bugs is on the same place as blender app bugs.
Sanctuary . Just tried it in Object Mode, and yes it does work in Object Mode. But still I feel like the trade off of having it clutter the UI in all the other Modes is too much, one could just as well select all the faces and do it in Edit Mode. Anyway, I’ll reflect your conserns in the Bug Report I filed.
hi, I’m the developer of this addon.
Are you using the version in latest buildbot builds or the d/l from ?
The only menu that shows up where it should not is the multi extrude panel which I will promptly remove.
Tried a buildbot, Thursday, This resolved my issue, Thanks!
I guess, Sanctuary won’t be happy
Don’t hold it against me Sanctuary.