Adobe Felix, 3d rendering.. AI?

It uses vray

"With Felix, Adobe has made photorealistic 3-D rendering available to the creative masses without forcing them to master professional-grade CAD tools. “We are building something that people can use without specific 3-D knowledge,” Corazza says. “You don’t need to know about polygons.”

What on earth is a professional grade cad tool?
What does that even mean?
What separates a normal hobbyist … “cad” tool from a professional grade cad tool

Knowing adobe it’s going to be an incredibly dumbed down 3d tool for people who make 40 posters a day, which I guess is good in some way.

False alarm everyone it’s just keyshot with object insertion and the adobe logo stamped on it

Actually, for people doing 3D for the advertising industry this could be bad news. I can see some of my current clients going this route instead of calling me for simple product shots, which are a very good source of income. You know, quick and simple, well paid projects…

Of course, it doesn’t represent a real threat for other ad related things like characters, custom illustrations, archviz, etc. but still could change things a bit.

Having that target audience in mind, I think this is a very smart move from Adobe. Current Adobe Suite users have a nice and easy set of tools for 3D without needing to actually use any 3D program. And for graphic designers, motion graphic artists and editors that’s a huge plus. Also, they’re giving subscribers a free light version of C4D with the After Effects installation, in case you’re a more “advanced” user.

Take into account Fuse, Felix, C4D connection with AfterEffects, the unofficial (but very popular) Element 3D plugin from VideoCopilot, and you can see how things may change for 3D artists, at least in the advertising industry, as I mentioned before.

Just like scaning killed modelers, and mo-cap banished animators craft from existence.

Edit : /s

The “artist” in the video better send that to print before someone else publishes the exact same thing.

Reminds me bit of VRED. Easy to use for very simple things but as soon as you want to do something a bit more in depth it reaches its limits.

Ever seen the credit rolls in recent Hollywood movies (especially animated movies), there’s still tons of modeling and animation jobs being created and filled yet.

There’s still certain things you would need in a scene that’s not convenient to scan and mo-cap is still mostly optimized for humanoid characters and creatures (though the use expands if you only apply it partially).

As for Felix, it looks to me like it’s Keyshot with an asset library (so it could start taking marketshare from them in terms of the advertising and visualization markets). Good thing they now have a growing number of Zbrush users who want to quickly render their creature models.

Actual features I don’t know what Adobe is going to do with this, but it seems they’re at least funding it since it’s presentation at SIGGRAPH 2016

Same old story, almost everyone can draw, yet rare are those who are able to actually make a drawing sprout emotions… art.
Not to worry, just another fly trap.