Advanced Transform

Update for Blender 2.8!

Fixed in version 0.3:

  1. Fixed undo last action (Undo)
  2. Fixed moving from snapping to normals (SpaceBar)
  3. Fixed UI in the rotation tool without snapping to degrees (Left Mouse botton)
  4. Fixed work with variations Transform Orientation

What’s new in 0.3:

  1. For the Move tool, a possible tweak has been added (Press Shift key for Tweak New selection. Press Alt Key for Tweak with Current Selection)
  1. Removed plane. Now, as a visual assistant, another addon is used. “Ghost Manipulator” is a ghost of the manipulator, which is given a clear understanding of the current view plane and the current Transform Orientation. However, it does not interfere with the selection. It is possible to turn on and off using the button in the 3D View main menu.
  1. Reworked UI in the Rotation tool. To enable the UI Advanced Rotation when rotating without snapping to degrees, you must include the “Use Advanced Transform Rotation” in the preferences addon.

  2. Improved logic for rotation in both directions. Now, regardless of the rotation in a positive direction or in a negative filling scale, it will work in the expected way, just as you will see the correct values ​​of the rotation.

  3. Added the ability to select the size of the binding for the Rotation isstrumt
    6 different variations, from 5 ° to 90 ° You can choose in the add-on settings.

  1. Updated as a UI logic for the Advanced Scale Mirror tool (Shift Key). A new UI will help you accurately select the axis to mirror the current selection.
  1. Updated as a UI logic for the Zore Scale tool in the Advanced Scale (SpaceBar Key). The new UI will help you accurately select the axis to scale to 0 the current
  1. Added the ability to assign HotKey in addon settings. Thanks pitiwazou for sample code

Upgrading 0.3 will help you to perform the most frequently used actions even faster and more comfortably, without unnecessary actions and not aiming at small details of the interface. It has become even more intuitive!