This is a raycast vehicle simulation I’ve been working on. It’s eternally a WIP, so I wouldn’t advise using it in a game, but please do whatever you wish with it.
The vehicle model is an Evo 8. I obviously don’t own it; Mitsubishi does.
See the readme text block for controls and more information.
Great template!
Thank you very much for sharing!
I’ll try to add a track to it in a few days…
PS. What do you mean by “The friction model”?..because the car don’t react on Material’s friction settings?
And, well, friction simulation would be a better term. I just mean the code for simulating wheel friction is nearly complete.
It doesn’t respond to material friction yet; I haven’t gotten around to adding that. (Assuming the python API exists to retrieve material properties from a raycast- I hope it does!)
Tracks, vehicles, props… anything would be greatly appreciated
@Marci97: Hehe, yes, I keep up to date on Bueraki
In case Bananaft stops by, he’s very welcome to use this. I dunno if a raytest system is quite the same as one with physical wheels, though.
Hi Raiderium,
I really like your vehicle physics setup, most accurate I have seen so far for BGE. One thing that bothers me a little is the feeling that the centre of mass, or centre of gravity (CG) is too high. This causes the roll centre to be really high and even the slight weight transfer while vehicle is turning causes the car to flip really easily.
In your setup it seems it is in right position though. I am not sure if Bullet physics translates the mesh origin point also as the centre of mass…
here are some topics related to car physics… perhaps you know those already
There are a few things left to do which should reduce the rolling problem. (Inertia tensor scaling and a downforce effect particularly.) Thank you for the links- I’ll take a look at them.
There is another problem which doesn’t seem to be with my sim: When a physical object is sliding across a triangulated surface like in the demo, it randomly jumps and jitters. I’ve never had this problem with Bullet before… I tried adding collision margins on both the vehicle and the terrain, decreasing friction to 0, etc etc, and it still happens. Anyone else experiencing this? It means that when the vehicle slides on stuff, it’ll randomly jump around.
Edit: Oh yeah, and you can now drive on physical moving objects
There is another problem which doesn’t seem to be with my sim: When a physical object is sliding across a triangulated surface like in the demo, it randomly jumps and jitters. I’ve never had this problem with Bullet before… I tried adding collision margins on both the vehicle and the terrain, decreasing friction to 0, etc etc, and it still happens. Anyone else experiencing this? It means that when the vehicle slides on stuff, it’ll randomly jump around.
Now that you mentions this, way back a few years ago when I was starting playing with BGE, I used to run into this when making stuff to slide around the floor, I guess it’s an old unresolved bug?