Advantage using Blender's default navigation mode?

Hi everyone. New to Blender here. I’d like to ask if there’s any benefit using Blender’s default navigation mode?

I’m a primarily Maya user. Been using it for… I dunno, since 2002 or something. Still use it at work. I see Blender offers Maya navigation mode, should I use that? Would it limit what I can doth Blender?

Using middle mouse for navigation is a little difficult for tablet tho I found. 1 Reason I love Modo’s navigation where every thing is done with only the left click.

Some operations may not be fully implemented in the custom key configs.
Tutorials will be using default key config.
If you just want navigation changes use the defaults and amend them in the User Preferences to your desired setting

Using middle mouse for navigation is a little difficult for tablet tho I found. 1 Reason I love Modo’s navigation where every thing is done with only the left click.
Enable ‘3 button mouse’ in user preferences and pan/rotate/zoom can all be done with LMB + modifier key (Alt+LMB = MMB)

Yup, emulate 3 button mouse works with tablet. It doesn’t disable middle mouse so can use both.

Maybe if you find out how navigation and settings work, you can decide for yourself

And these that seem to be popular topics among new users

@Richard, @JA12 - thank you :slight_smile: Does the left mouse button have other uses if I stick to Blender’s default by the way?

@Orange subscribed to your thread. I’ll try to learn the basic first before diving more into customization. Thanks :slight_smile: