ADVB - My JOB done with Blender

I’m back. After a long pause… I finished a job and want to share with you.

The audio is in Brazilian Portuguese, my language.
Feel free to comment. There’s a lot of thinks to fix in the animation but the deadline is over.

That was really good. I especially liked the way that the character took the question mark down from the sentence and put into his “thoughts”. It’s amazing that you finished it in only 13 days. Now if only I spoke Portuguese…

That is so cool,I like the character,keep up the good work ,“thumbs up”
My only regret is that you used “

Edit:but can you add subtitles,though,I actually got it :slight_smile:

Yeah… 13 days… was a hard headache!
Thank you all.

Very nice!

trabalho sensacional, cara!

and hey, you guys don’t quite miss anything from the text and speech, it’s just some sales speech for a sales and marketing association… the top-notch animation is what makes it shine. :slight_smile:

that is fantastic… from concept to end result… awesome work. - the cardboard plane and flower gun where brilliant. i just turned the sound off and keep listening to strapping young lad - probably not a best match though

Awesome work!
Love the flickering background textures.

Thank you all.
I wanted to use FreeStyle render but i didn’t find a working build for os x… still waiting for this so waited render engine.

Very good! I really like NPR render.

I liked your portfolio either, congratulations!

ps.: Se puder, gostaria de trocar algumas figurinhas