Advent Children Hair

If anyne has seen advent children, then they know how realistic the hair is.

Is there a way Blender can make hair like that?

Realistic? I’m not sure about that…

Can Blender do it? Maybe soon…
Why don’t you help test the new hair/particles system?

Ok. Thanks! :slight_smile:

The hair isn’t very realistic at all, in fact. Way too thin. It’s like… spaced out particles. Hardly any volume at all, the fact that they make the hair strands straw thickness does a bad job of covering up the fact.

EDIT: Also, has anyone noticed that he’s wearing eyeliner and earrings?

o, if it;s bad, is there a way Blender can come close to it without the new particle system?

Eh? I mean cloud’s hair is bad. The shader itself is good, but they substituted volume and fine hair for token lines and low-volume. Blender could probably do something like/better than that with the new system, though.

Awesome. I plan on making something that requires realistic looking people like Advent Children. Hair seems to be my biggest problem.

Another question, though. Can Blender make people that look as realistic at that?


Blender can do anything you like as long as you put enough effort into it


That just inspired me to retardedly work HARD on Blender. I mean retardedly. You know that little gif animation of someone working on a computer then their hands go bloody, followed by banging their head until nothing is left? That’s me.


But, what would I need to know to make something liek that? Cloud looks VERY real…

What you need is practice. You need to know anatomy and form and flow, and you need to know armatures, the ins and out, and you’ll need to know how to read people, and you’ll need to know how to process and recreate expressions. And above all, you’ll need practice like you wouldn’t frickin believe.

Maybe you’ll be able to be able to make a Cloud one day, but don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t happen right away, eh? /:]

Anyway, good luck.

Yeah, I’v ebeen practicin’ with Blender for a month, and all I’ve made is a Penguin with a dress :stuck_out_tongue:

But thanks for the tip. Ever since my uncle introduced Blender to me (and that fact that he said Pixar could use it, hypothetically), really inspired me to do something.

I’ve been learning the expressions people make, and how each part of their face will change depending on what they’re feeling. Perhaps that will help the most.

Oh, re: ‘pixar could use it, hypothetically.’ They totally could.

it really isnt the tool, its what u do with it.

to prove my point:

Yes, but sometimes the tools make it easier. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, I suppose if you were really dedicated and there was no hair or softbody system, you COULD technically make a bunch of tiny quad chains, rig them all, then animate them manually with FK, but you do that first, THEN go and try to de-emphasize the importance of the new particle system. I’ll check back in a few years when you’re done, ok? XD

Ok, I understand. But what would be the first step to making it? i mean, aside from practice, what would i need to practice?

one stupid remark comming up:
have seen the film but don’t remeber anny more so here it goes

the referce picture you posted IS NOT MADE WITH PARTICLES, it’s just planes mapped with a texture with an alpha layer. (like in making simple leaves out of planes only with a picture)
that’s why blackboe notices it has no volume, cuzz (shocking news) planes have no volume
so to be able to do that you need to be able to work in PSP or Gimp.

but then again I don’t know if your reference is from the film or just some fanart that didn’t want to work with particles…


PS:good film

Try hammering in a nail with a plastic fork lol

What would you need to practice? I dunno, I haven’t seen any of your work. What do YOU think you need to practice?

Poor Khengi… You’re getting teased! Don’t fret. Really really good hair is ocming to Blender faster than you think.

The already linked hair-cutting demo:
^Neat, cool, not completely necessary, but sure will speed things up

The not-yet-linked hair-children demo/tutorial:
^ I think you’ll learn A LOT from this. It also will fix (A) Hair not being thick enough. (B) clumpiness of the strands.
^ Try test builds on that read “Particle Patch” or “Jahka”

These two not-yet-finished features combined I think could make some Cloud Strife hair rather quickly – in less than an hour if you already took the tutorial a few times.

And on top of that, better rendering for hair is coming too:
^looks like this patch is very near completion. I’m not even sure why it’s not in the next version’s release notes. Maybe it is, and I overlooked it.

Anyhow, there’s plenty coming your way. Be excited; not frustrated; that Blender has limiting hair features. It’s only because developers are re-doing it as we speak.

Eh, it’s ‘better’, but not great, cause it still uses quads. You know how jahka’s particle patch uses children? It’d be cool if there was a volumetric shading solution that shaded every parent hair and interpolated the rest. That’s actually a system they used in the incredibles, I read the white-paper, it was pretty awesome.