Hi Everyone,
I would like to ask for a word of advice on the BlenderMarket site, that is CGCookieMarket.
I would like to pursue Blender as a hobby, as I am, but sell my models on a site like CGCookie Market. It’s the one I know dedicated to Blender, I know there are others such as TurboSquid and CGTrader, but as far as I know the Blend files turnover is in the region of 1%.
I would like to ask, what do I have to keep in mind, what do I have to take into account, preparing models for this site. I mean technically, such as should I bake all modifiers or leave them live? Are there any special requirements when preparing the files, what do people expect? Should I consider preparing files for some other renderer than Cycles too? But also marketing-wise. What sells, in example what subjects sell, but also the genre, such as low-poly game content or high-poly archvis models, such as furnitures, houses, or vehicles etc. Or animation content. How about tutorials, I see there is a section dedicated to tutorials too.
Maybe some of you have experience using this site and selling models. A word of advice from you would be very valueble.