Could you give me an advice? I try to extrude but it’s not working well, two vertices 2nd&4th aren’t moving parallel with the 1st & 5th. They moving from the 3d cursor’s way when I try to scale and that’s my problem. This is the tutorial what I like to do:
You can remove the garbage yourself by hitting Edit and deleting it. It happens when you paste text from some other app.
bah each time i tried replying to this in one of the various threads that were made, you removed the thread lol:spin: , will try again in a while:yes: .
Looking at the tutorial it doesnt state what mode the pivot point is set on, you have the pivot mode set on the 3d cursors, that is why the vertices splay out away from the 3d cursor, what you need to do is change the pivot to the median point, in the pivot menu which is located on the 3d view menu bar.:RocknRoll:
Thanks and sorry both of you.
I tried this before and didn’t work.
Maybe this (photo) picture can help.
You are still scaling from the 3d cursor pivot, change it to median point like i said above, it does work i tried it myself.
I tried that already, and that hapend.
Turn on do clipping on the mirror modifier (note in the picture below do clipping on switched off :spin: )
, that stops the vertices crossing the mirror plane.
i just made this pics showing my results.
THANK YOU Hazza!!!