Hey guys, this is my first “project” on blender that i have “finished” (there is always room for iprovement, especially in that case). Here is some renders and the link of the blen file. I would really appreciate if you could take a bit of your time, to tell me what’s not good in my mesh and if i’m using the best technic (i don’t think so actually LOL). Thanks a lot!
Also you can see in cycles the job i’ve done. Let me know what you think!:D:D:D
Hey, could someone tell me the quality of my mesh, and if i made too much edge loop etc??? This could really help me out. Really appreciate it. Thanks guys!
I should add another subdivision? I think so too, but my basic ùesh frame has too much vertices i think. I don’t know about reflection actually, i messed atound a bit with shaders with nodes
In the toolshelf (hotkey ‘T’) in Object Mode, on the first tab (Tools) under Shading you can set the shading of the selected object to ‘Smooth’. Usually when I think I need to subdivide more I actually just need to set shading to smooth as opposed to flat.
Hey guys! A little update of my project :eyebrowlift:.I made some modifications, and overaull i think it doesn’t look too bad. Also here is a pick of the mesh and this i think is not good. Also, it was kind of a pain in the ass to make the side of the car with the pretty complex car door :mad:, i don’t know if the way i did it was the best :no:! Please take a look, it will allow me to progress a lot!
And i made a pretty good looking wallpaper ! Let me know what you think about that too! Thanks a lot guys!
Looking much better. A couple things: The rims may need one more subdiv, and/or smooth shading. Headlights are a bit too simplistic–you may want to figure out how to get a more realistic look. From what I saw of the mesh, it looks good–not too much detail–and no obvious issues in the final render.
Hey pleskinen, thanks for the advice!! Actually i can’t subdiivide the rims since in quite unorthodoxly made, with triangles and stuff, the subdivion looks quite bad, but i’ll figure it out! Yes, for now the headlights are too simple. Working on that. Also the separations between doors, hood etc and a bunch of other details.