see those blue thigns at the back? those should be windows… that small, that colour… will look stellar!
see those blue thigns at the back? those should be windows… that small, that colour… will look stellar!
first thing it brought to mind was a huge ship from “Starship troopers” … but it kinda gives me the impression of a toy & small … I keep wandering: what is it that gives us the impression of large, on the same picture? What kind of details?
LOL yeah i pointed that out before he had even named it that.
and its spelt “Athsma”
but at least it doesn’t look like athsma
good work x-w but i’m still waiting for that panorama LOL ha ha ha ha
Nice job man. Very well done indeed.
I still think the panel texture is a bit large IMO, but that is all that I seem to find odd about it. The modelling is solid, as usual.
Quite impresive. Great work X-Warrior!
It seems a little odd to me that there are windows on that side panel, those are suppose to be windows right? Because its just like a panel thing…not reall the body…I dunno, maybe I’m wrong.
Keep it up!